The Sheik's Pregnant Lover Page 0,49

she placed her hand on his chest. “Will you be protected as well?”

“Always. Privacy as you knew it will never exist again.”

She considered that for a moment before she accepted the news with a nod. “Will our children be safe?” she asked.

Rashid smiled down at her, pulling her closer as his arms wrapped around her waist. “I’m glad you know that there will be more than this child.”

She stood up on her toes, pressing herself against him, feeling his approval of her move against her stomach. “Of course there will be others. But how about if we plan the next one a bit more logically?”

Rashid laughed, but nodded his head. “Sounds like a good plan.” And then he kissed her. “I love you,” he said. “I know it’s crazy to be in love with someone I’ve known for hours, but I fell in love with you when you turned around and had the map upside down.”

Sidra grimaced and shook her head. “I love you too. I don’t know exactly when it happened, and I tried to pretend that it wasn’t the truth when you didn’t call me, but I do love you. So if you’re crazy, we’ll just have to figure out how to go insane together.”

He unbuttoned the jacket of her suit and shoved it off of her shoulders onto the floor. “I know of several good ways to go insane.”

Sidra smiled shyly, but didn’t turn away. “Bring it on,” she whispered.

The Beginning….

Nine year old Rashid looked at the pink and pudgy thing in his mother’s arms, disgusted and irritated. He didn’t want to be here. He wanted to get back to his studies. His instructor was just telling him how to calculate an angle which was much more fascinating than whatever this…thing…was. “It’s a girl,” he said with nine year old disdain and stepped back from the bed where his mother was laying with the ‘thing’ in her arms. He didn’t know why she wanted anyone else in the family. The three of them were just fine!

Lila, Rashid’s mother laughed softly and nodded her head. “You’re very smart,” he teased. “She’s a girl and she’s very interested in meeting you.” Lila looked down at her already handsome son with pride, understanding that he felt as if this new baby might usurp his place in her heart. She had to be gentle so that he knew that she loved him just as much as before the birth of their new baby.

Rashid glanced down once again, noting that the eyes in the round, pink face were closed. He discarded the notion that the baby was even remotely interested in meeting him. “I believe it’s more concerned with sleep mother,” he said carefully, not wanting to hurt her feelings, but still not interested in his new baby sister. “Besides, I wanted a brother. Not a sister.”

Lila glanced up at the man standing at the end of the hospital bed with amusement. Majid El Hasham Busain, current Sheik of Tasain and one of the most handsome men she’d ever met in her life, looked down at his first born son with pride and amusement as well. When Lila looked back at her son, still standing stiffly beside the bed and pretending to not be interested in the baby girl, she chuckled. “Why would I want another boy? I have a perfect son with you,” she replied and leaned over to kiss his dark hair.

Rashid sighed, leaning in to the kiss and stepping closer to his mother. “What are you going to call it?” he asked, trying to get into the spirit of the occasion. Since they were alone in the room, he accepted her affection but he didn’t like it when others might see him. They might think he was weak if they knew how much he liked his mother’s hugs and kisses and that couldn’t be allowed. His father had told him over and over again how a ruler must never show weakness. And the people of Tasain loved his father, almost as much as he did, so the invincible man must be doing something correctly.

His father smiled down at his slightly larger family, beaming with delight. “Her name is Isla and she’s going to love you just as much as we do, son.”

Rashid felt better when his tall, strong father walked to the side of the bed next to him. “Will it cry?” Rashid asked carefully, slipping his hand into his father’s larger one, feeling better when his warm, strong Copyright 2016 - 2024