The Sheik's Pregnant Lover Page 0,4

said, pointing to the red building at the edge of the village that was just starting to stir for the morning. There were a few people milling about, some with coffee cups in their hand, the paperboy on his bike and a police officer walking out of the diner on the opposite corner.

“Maybe I should just turn around and ride off with you in my arms. I could convince you to ride away with me in the sunset, Sidra from Virginia.”

She laughed. “That doesn’t even happen in the movies.”

“What do you do in Virginia?”

“I’m an interior designer.”


She shifted around, trying to figure out what he meant by that mumble. “What’s that for?”

He shrugged his broad shoulders and pulled on the reigns to stop his horse. “I was just thinking that I might need your services soon. Some of my rooms are looking a bit dated.”

Sidra smiled brightly. “I’d love to help with any projects.”

He swung down over the horse but when she started to follow, he put his hand on her thigh to stop her. “This isn’t over Sidra. I want to see you again.”

She looked down at him and felt happiness wash over her. “I don’t know how that’s going to be possible. Laura has been trying to get me to visit for months but things are pretty busy right now.”

He put his hands on her waist and lifted her down, holding her in place while he looked into her pretty hazel eyes. “Things have a way of happening.”

“You’re here!” Laura burst out of her building, her blond hair billowing out behind her as she rushed up to Sidra, throwing her arms around her in a huge hug. “I’d been expecting you an hour ago. What happened?” she asked, then turned to see the tall man standing next to her friend. “Goodness! And what have you brought for us today?” Laura asked, linking her arm with Sidra’s.

Rashid kept his face neutral, but the blue eyes of the blond woman were sizing him up and he knew it was time for an escape. “I must be on my way.” Turning to Laura, he said, “Sidra’s car is over on the Willow Bend Road. I’ll arrange to have it towed and a replacement delivered immediately.”

Sidra shook her head. “You don’t have to do that. I’ll call the rental agency and have them exchange cars.”

“I insist,” Rashid countered and before his little woman could argue further, he climbed back into Zafir’s saddle and turned the horse around. “Until next time,” he said to Sidra, then nudged his horse and they were off down the street at a fast pace.

Sidra watched him ride off, her eyes sad because she suspected she’d never see that man again.

Laura watched Sidra carefully, seeing the look in her eyes and her smile grew wider. “I think you have some explaining to do,” she said and pulled Sidra into the building, understanding her friend’s reluctance but since they couldn’t see the horse and rider any longer, there was no reason to stand out in the open like this.

Sidra walked up the stairs of Laura’s building, wishing she’d had just a few more moments with Rashid. Or maybe a few more hours. Days perhaps? Anything but the short time they’d spent together. She glanced down at her watch and realized that they’d known each other less than twenty minutes and she felt sad that she’d never see the man again.

All that day, Sidra fought the jet lag that was pushing against her. She and Laura took the train into London, all the while, dodging questions about how she’d met the man on the horse. They dined that night with some of Laura’s colleagues, but by eight o’clock that night, Sidra couldn’t stay awake any longer. When Laura finally brought her back to her flat, Sidra washed her face, brushed her teeth and fell into bed exhausted.

Chapter 2

Sidra looked around the thick area of trees, feeling the cold, damp grass below her feet and wondered what time the man usually woke up. She knew that she wouldn’t see him this morning, but it was nice to fantasize about him and remember what it felt like to have his arms around her waist, his strong chest against her back. She shivered at the memory of those crystal, blue eyes looking down at her, smiling at her.

She continued walking along the dirt path she and Laura had walked the previous day while they talked about her flight and catching up on what Copyright 2016 - 2024