The Sheik's Pregnant Lover Page 0,38


Sidra sat back, curling herself up into a ball. “Please. No needles,” she begged.

Rashid stepped in, placing a hand on Dr. Hamid’s shoulder. “Let me talk to her,” he said quietly.

The doctor moved back and Rashid took his place. “Sidra, is there any chance you might be pregnant?” he asked, not sure how he felt about the situation.

She closed her eyes and thought back. Yes, it was entirely possible. They had only used condoms while in England and they weren’t one hundred percent reliable. Anything might have happened and there was that one time when they’d been rushing. She had no idea but she might not have put the condom on correctly.

“Please, no!” she thought and curled up tighter. “No no no!” She was rocking herself now, tears streaming down her cheeks and she prayed that it wasn’t so. “I can’t be pregnant,” she whispered. “How is it possible?”

“We were together three weeks ago. If you can tell the doctor the date of your last period, he can move on from there.”

“No. You sleep around! You don’t want to have a baby with me.” She was crying now and Rashid pulled her back into his arms. He signaled to the doctor to leave them alone and both the doctor and his guards left the room quietly. “Please, can I just go to sleep?” she asked, sniffling weakly.

“Yes,” he sighed and lifted her up, carrying her into his bedroom.

“Where am I?” she asked as he slipped her shoes off. She still couldn’t move because her stomach rebelled at any kind of movement.

“You’re in a bed. Just relax. The bathroom is to your right if you start to feel bad again.” He slid his hands up her legs, almost groaning with the sharp stab of lust when he found she was wearing thigh high stockings. He peeled them down off her legs, leaving her skirt on but slipping the jacket off of her arms.

Sidra didn’t want to argue. She just wanted to sleep and pray that she would feel better soon. She curled up onto her side and was instantly asleep. She wasn’t even aware of the strong arms that wrapped around her waist, pulling her back against a muscular chest as she sighed with sleep. “Rashid,” she sighed happily.

“Yes. It’s me. Not that other idiot so don’t you forget it.”

She snuggled up closer to him and Rashid gritted his teeth as her round bottom pressed against his erection. “Never anyone but you. Always you.”

Rashid’s muscles tensed and he wondered if she knew what she was saying. “What about the other guy?” he asked softly, testing to see if she would respond.

“Only you,” she whispered and if he hadn’t been waiting for it, he might have missed her words.

He smiled into the darkness and pulled her closer, careful not to put any pressure on her stomach. The woman hadn’t betrayed him, he thought with a satisfaction that was more potent than anything he’d experienced in a long time. Three weeks, actually.

Chapter 7

Sidra opened her eyes but there wasn’t any light. She had no point of reference and she was so hot she could barely stand the heat. She tried to throw off the blanket, but it came right back to her and she felt smothered.

Turning around, she realized that it was Rashid who was wrapped around her. And not only him, but her legs were tangled up in his as well.

Her heart started pounding and she stayed very still. Was her stomach going to rebel? She tested some movement and miraculously, she actually felt fine. Better than fine, in fact. She felt marvelous!

And then she realized that Rashid was naked!

Those ‘fine’ feelings instantly dissipated as desire streaked through her body. All that body heat was not to be ignored. She moved more, trying to loosen his arms, but the more she moved, the more tangled they became. And the more intense those feelings of need increased, of craving his body.

She untangled herself carefully from him, trying very hard not to wake him up. But if she stayed like this much longer, she wasn’t sure she could resist touching him the way she had that morning.

After several starts and stops when he moved and she was afraid he was going to wake up, Sidra finally freed herself from him and the bed. She made her way to the bathroom, grateful for the dim light that he’d left on. Probably because he didn’t want her throwing up in his bed.

But she felt incredibly good Copyright 2016 - 2024