The Sheik's Pregnant Lover Page 0,36

to call her back and ordered her into his bedroom to sleep before she’d gone back down the stairs. No one had ever entered that area but himself so it would have looked odd, and declared his intentions more quickly than he wanted them known. But his frantic search now was giving away exactly what he wanted to hide and he didn’t give a damn. He just wanted Sidra found to make sure she was okay.

He was walking down the aisles of the plane, looking to his right and left, trying to think of any place she might have hidden to find some sleep when he almost stumbled upon her. She was curled up in a chair, her hair fanned out behind her and both of her hands stacked on top of each other to form a pillow for her chin. She looked exceptionally lovely and peaceful.

He signaled to one of his body guards who immediately radioed to the others that the woman had been found. Rashid bent down and watched her for a moment, looking at her perfect skin, the heart shaped face that had caused him so many nights of frustration. As well as her lovely, long legs and her perfect breasts that fit in his hands exactly.

As he watched her, she sighed in her sleep and mumbled something, but he couldn’t understand her. He knew he’d have to wake her up, but she looked so peaceful, he regretted it when he touched her shoulder gently and she jerked awake.

“It’s time to disembark, little one,” he said softly, smiling at the way she looked around. She was like a little kitten when she woke up. She stretched, glanced to the right and left, forward, her hand reached up and touched her hair and she ran her fingers through the soft, brown tresses, exactly like he wanted to do.

One moment she looked adorable, the next she was shoving him out of the way and racing towards the bathroom. He couldn’t believe it when she slammed the door shut and he could hear her throwing up. He was instantly worried about her now and knocked on the door. “Sidra, open the door, love. You need help.”

When there was only silence, he signaled to the flight attendant to unlock the door. All the attendants had keys to the bathrooms in case of an emergency and Rashid considered his woman throwing up a definite emergency. As soon as the door was opened, he said to his body guard, “Call ahead and have my physician standing by when we reach the palace. I want her to see him as soon as possible. And get me a warm towel,” he snapped as he entered the bathroom to find Sidra sitting on the floor to the bathroom, a towel already in her hand and her eyes closed.

He bent down next to her in the cramped space and pushed her hair gently out of her face so he could see her. She looked ashen and miserable and he wanted to pull her into his arms and rock her until she felt better. “What’s wrong, love?” he asked and ran a finger down her soft cheek. “You weren’t feeling well earlier. It’s obviously worse now.”

Sidra felt so miserable, she couldn’t even argue with him. All she wanted to do was break down in tears and pray that her stomach would feel better soon. She couldn’t even shake her head or smile to reassure him, afraid that any movement would send her stomach into overdrive again since it still hadn’t completely settled down, even though there probably wasn’t anything left in it at this point.

“Can I pick you up?” he asked softly when she didn’t appear to want to move.

“No,” she whispered, keeping her eyes closed.

Rashid sat there next to her for another moment, then shook his head. “I can’t leave you like this,” he said and put an arm under her legs and behind her back. She mumbled a protest, but couldn’t argue much since she was so miserable. When her head dropped against his shoulder, he pulled her closer, careful to not shake her as much as possible.

His body guards were already ahead of him, opening the door to the limousine. Rashid wouldn’t let her move to his side and after a feeble protest, she simply lay in his arms, her face pressed against his neck.

Sidra wasn’t sure if she wanted to die of embarrassment more, or just any way possible that would stop the horrible Copyright 2016 - 2024