The Sheik's Pregnant Lover Page 0,33

the contact, her mind spiraling back to the creek, her body remembering all that they’d done and how it felt to be back in his arms. But it was better now. The electricity of his touch making her shudder with a need that she’d tried so hard to suppress, but it had always been right below the surface. Now, with his mouth kissing her, his tongue moving in and out of her mouth just like she wanted him to do to her body, she couldn’t deny that need any longer. It roared to life, making her feel like she was coming apart at the seams and her hands that had been clenched by her side so she wouldn’t touch him, grabbed the lapels of his suit jacket and pulled him closer, her body needing to be closer to him that she’d ever felt possible.

His hand moved into her hair, pulling the pins out and tossing them to the side until his fingers could feel the softness, tangle in the tresses. He pulled her head back, deepening the kiss and forcing her to acknowledge that this was exactly where she wanted to be. When he realized that she wasn’t fighting him, was in fact pulling him closer, he relaxed his hold somewhat, moving his hand under her suit jacket and tearing at the silk shirt she was also wearing. His frustration level increasing until he felt her skin.

He heard her sharp intake of breath as he moved his hand from her back to her stomach, moving upwards to cup those incredible breasts that he remembered in his mind, he growled, “It’s me you want, isn’t it? Forget that bastard and come back to me. I can make you feel this better than any man ever could. Just say the word, Sidra.”

His words, spoken with a deep, husky growl, penetrated her mind and she pulled back slightly, looking up at him and wondering what was wrong. She was breathing heavily, wanting so much to just move back against him but then she remembered what was wrong. The woman! The three weeks! She’d been such a fool to believe him, to have waited for him!

She stepped back and was relieved when he released her. She took several steps away from him, holding onto the conference room table to keep herself from falling onto the floor because of her wobbly knees. “Leave me alone,” she whispered. “You can’t do this to me again. I won’t let you,” she finally got out then bit her lip to keep herself from sobbing out the pain and anguish she’d felt at his betrayal and absence.

“Can’t do what to you?” he snapped back. “Make you react to my touch? Make you shiver with need?”

“Stop it!” she almost shouted back at him. “Just leave me alone!”

He moved closer to her but didn’t touch her. Leaning down so he could see into her eyes, he watched as she tried to shrink away from him and it only made him angrier. “I wish I could but we both know that’s not an option.”

She was more furious than she’d ever been in her life and she was trapped on a plane with a man she didn’t understand. “Let’s just stick to the project, okay?”

Rashid looked like he wanted to argue but after fighting with himself for a moment, he nodded his head curtly. “You eat while you talk though. You’ve lost too much weight and you look dead on your feet.”

She slapped the files she’d brought onto the conference room table and kept herself from rolling her eyes. “You can’t make me eat, Rashid.” She pulled out the plans he’d left at her office the previous day and started rolling them out as she said, “or am I supposed to refer to you as ‘Your Highness’ as well as all your other minions?”

He spun around and glared at her. “If you do I’ll turn you over my knee and spank you.”

She looked up at him, all the hurt and despair showing through in her eyes as she said, “I thought you were just a horse trainer.” She said the words softly but he heard her and some of the anger left him.

He sighed and ran a frustrated hand through his hair, his shoulders still tense, but looking suddenly defeated. “It was nice to be thought of that way for a few days. You don’t know what it’s like to be bowed to all your life. When we met, you didn’t do any Copyright 2016 - 2024