The Sheik's Pregnant Lover Page 0,3

just a random fence for one of his neighbors.

“You’re not from Great Britain, are you?” she asked, her curiosity increasing the more she heard him speak.


She smiled and turned slightly, looking up at him. “Are you going to tell me where you are from?”

Rashid considered the possible answers. He could tell her he was from Tasain and only here on business, or he could name one of several other countries where he owned property. But for some reason, he didn’t want to lie to this beautiful woman, or even prevaricate. Evan a half truth seemed like a betrayal. Odd, he thought silently, he’d never had any qualms about stating his heritage before but with Sidra, he wanted to be just a man who was in the same area as she was.

“I’m actually from Tasain.”

Sidra laughed and looked forward. “I heard it’s a pretty harsh country. What do you do there?”

“It’s actually a very beautiful country, if you know how to live in the dessert.”

She hesitated, her fingers still holding his arms, but she no longer needed that reassurance. The man held her with confidence and strength. She simply didn’t want to stop touching him, even though he probably didn’t even realize her hands were pressing against his warm skin.

“Where are you from?” he asked after a pregnant pause.

Sidra was relieved. At least this was something she could talk about. “I’m from the United States.”

“Which state?”

She smiled. Most people either didn’t know to ask which state, or they thought everyone was from New York or California. “I live right outside of Washington, D.C.”

“Maryland or Virginia?” he persisted.

Sidra had to laugh and turn around. “Virginia of course.”

“Why of course?”

She shook her head and stared forward. “There’s just a running battle between Maryland and Virginia about which state is more beautiful. In reality, they’re equally lovely but the underlying argument rages within the confines of the metro area.”

“Is it true about Virginia?” he asked softly.

Sidra knew exactly what he was talking about and blushed, not sure exactly how to answer that. “I suppose there are many lovers in Virginia.”

“Anyone waiting for you to come back from your European jaunt?”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “No. No one.”

He didn’t say anything for a long time. Finally she heard him say quietly, “Stupid men in Virginia.” The comment gave her a soft, warm glow and she secretly hugged the knowledge that he thought she was attractive. At least, that’s what she thought he might be saying to her.

“And what about you? Is there someone in Tasain or back at your house that might be missing you while you’re here on business?”

“How do you know I’m here on business and not for pleasure?”

She turned around slightly, looking at his strong, handsome features. “For some reason, I don’t think you have a great deal of pleasure in your life.” She blushed when he raised an eyebrow at her statement and Sidra stammered out, “Well, I mean….you don’t seem like the kind of man who takes vacations.”

Rashid chuckled softly, enjoying her embarrassment. She was an extremely lovely young woman, but when she blushed, her soft cheeks were even more alluring. “I suppose you’re right. And I’m here on business for the week.”

She nodded her head and looked around. They were coming into the village now and she wanted to turn the horse around and have more time with him. If her directions were correct, Laura’s house was only about three blocks away. She didn’t want to leave him, even though he hadn’t assured her that he wasn’t taken by some fabulously gorgeous woman.

“I don’t want to drop you off,” he said, his deep voice in her ear and his arms tightened around her waist.

She smiled and bowed her head. “I don’t want to go either. You’ve been a wonderful interlude, but I’d better get to my friend’s house.”

“And if I asked you to stay with me at my house?”

Sidra laughed. “We just met a few moments ago,” she said, but that glow increased in intensity.

Rashid sighed and steered the horse towards the area she’d said her friend resided. He didn’t mention that many women wouldn’t need to know much more about him other than his title and position before throwing themselves at him. This woman, as he’d suspected all along, was different though. He respected that much more about her but that didn’t ease the ache in his chest at the idea of giving her up to her friend.

“She’s just around the corner,” Sidra Copyright 2016 - 2024