The Sheik's Pregnant Lover Page 0,27

follow up to make sure that everything works out the way I want it to.”

Sidra’s eyes popped open. Could he afford something like this? Sidra had no idea what a horse trainer makes in a year but perhaps the top trainers were wealthy. Rashid obviously commanded a great deal of respect if Debra was taking an interest.

She cleared her throat and placed a hand gently on Sidra’s arm. “We can definitely provide Ms. York’s expertise. She’s actually a junior associate so we’ll send over someone more experienced, just to guide Ms. York through some of the more difficult issues of such a large project.”

“Just Ms. York,” he countered, looking directly at Debra, his eyes challenging her to say another word on the subject of who would be going and overseeing anything with his project. “Ms. York and I are already acquainted and I have complete faith in her abilities. I know she’ll do exactly what I want of her.”

Debra blinked but didn’t miss a beat. She laughed and turned to Sidra, indicating that she should go along with whatever she was about to say. “Naturally, Ms. York is a very experienced and talented designer. But surely you understand that she’s only a few years out of design school. I’m more than willing to assist Ms. York personally to ensure that your project goes along smoothly.”

“Just Ms. York,” he stated firmly once again. Then he stood up and Blondie rose along with him, not even surprised that she hadn’t taken a single note during the whole exchange. The others behind him also jerked to attention. “A plane will be standing by to take her to my home. Make sure she’s on it. I’ve seen her talents and know she’s extremely capable.”

Without another word, Rashid walked out of the conference room, his entire entourage following behind him with Sidra looking on with wide, confused eyes.

She was actually hurt by his attitude, not sure what was going on or why he was doing this. Turning to Debra, she looked to her boss for guidance. “I’m not really sure what just happened.”

Debra put up her hand, telling Sidra to wait. Once the door to the conference room was closed, she turned with a patronizing smile to Sidra. “Okay, well that was interesting. Care to explain how you know the Sheik of Tasain?”

Sidra stared at Debra, swallowing painfully. “That man is the Sheik of Tasain?”

Debra leaned back in her chair, smirking with some sort of hidden meaning. “The one and only. Any idea how he knows you and requested you personally?”

Sidra was so stunned she couldn’t think. She shook her head and said, “I can honestly say that I don’t know that man.”

Debra watched her carefully for a long moment, then sighed. “Well, he knows you. And he wants you to redecorate his palace.”

Sidra stammered at that statement, her while mind reeling with the implications of wealth that one word had. “Palace? But he only said home.”

Debra glanced back at her with derision. “Dear, the sheik lives in a palace. Where on earth did you get the idea that he lives in a simple home?”

Sidra knew she was looking extremely foolish, but couldn’t help it. Her world was so confused right now and everything she’d thought she knew about Rashid was being transformed into something scary and dangerous. “Well, he said ‘home’.” Her heart was pounding painfully in her chest and she had no idea how she was going to deal with the new information that the man she’d made love to next to a beautiful stream was actually ruler of one of the most powerful oil producing countries in the world. As she looked down, her head was spinning and the thought crossed her mind that she could actually pass out right here in front of Debra.

It was only the realization that she would look extremely unprofessional if she passed out and her boss had to pry her off of the floor that she was able to pull herself together. Placing both of her hands on the table, she shook her head. “I can’t do this,” she whispered. “Why is he asking for me?” she asked, but deep down, she knew exactly why. He wanted to punish her for embarrassing him in the lobby of the hotel last Friday night. Maybe if she’d just gone with him that evening, he would have gotten his anger out of his system and she wouldn’t be in this horrible situation now.

“That’s a good question, but you don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024