The Sheik's Pregnant Lover Page 0,25

the theatres were close by. Anyone could be stopping by before or after a performance and she didn’t want to be noticed by someone and her behavior brought to her firm’s attention.

The blond woman walked up to him and said something low and in a foreign language. Rashid glared at her and she quickly backed up, but he sighed and released her arm. “This is not over, Sidra. Bank on it!”

With that, he turned around and walked swiftly through the large lobby away from her towards the elevators.

Sidra watched him go with a pained look. She tried hard to follow him, to see him for as long as possible, but there was a large group of men in dark suits who were also heading in that direction and she lost him in that crowd. She wondered why there were so many people heading in the same direction all of a sudden, but it was none of her business. When he disappeared behind a sea of black suits, she took a deep breath and turned to leave the hotel herself. She had to get out of here as quickly as possible.

Tom walked up to her right then and put a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay?” he asked gently.

Sidra jumped, initially thinking that Rashid had somehow come back but when she looked at the hand, it wasn’t tanned and strong, but pale, with much less strength in the fingers and forearm. She looked up and realized that it was her date for the night and instantly relaxed. She pasted a smile on her face, trying to reassure Tom who had been nothing but a gentleman for the night. “I’m fine. I apologize for that scene. It was unconscionable.”

“No problem. Do you know who that was?” he asked, looking towards the elevators with awe.

Sidra glanced in the same direction just in time to see Rashid step into the elevators and glare back at her. “I know exactly who he is. He’s an absolute jerk who should be shot!”

Tim’s eyes snapped back to hers. He was about to say something, but Sidra forced a smile on her face and shook her head. “I’m sorry about that. I can’t believe I ran into him here of all places.”

Tom chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re telling me!”

Sidra sighed and pulled her purse closer. Although Tom was a very nice man, she knew that he wasn’t the one that was going to take her mind off of Rashid. Especially since he was in this very hotel now. Besides, Tom was handsome, but not nearly as strong or rugged as Rashid. She thought he was kind, but there was no excitement when he touched her, which told her that he wasn’t the guy for her. “I really need to get home. Thank you very much for the drink.”

She could see that Tom wanted to say something more, but she discouraged that by just turning and walking through the rotating doors. When she was back out on the street, she took a deep breath, then headed to the subway station. She walked quickly, unaware that tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Chapter 6

Sidra had never been more grateful to have Monday morning roll around. She’d spent the weekend cleaning her apartment, strolling through as many showrooms as she could endure, making notes on various pieces that she thought were interesting. She wanted so desperately to forget Rashid, to push him out of her mind but no matter what she did, memories of the time they’d spent together kept rushing through her barriers. She wasn’t eating, she was barely sleeping and when she finally slept, she dreamt about him, about being in his arms and experiencing the same bliss she’d found that weekend in England.

She printed out several of the pictures she’d taken of light fixtures over the weekend and pressed them to the boards for a few of her clients’ designs. As soon as she did that, she knew she’d gotten a hit on the ideas and worked around those lights. She was grateful that she’d found something that would put the spark back in her work life. A part of her wondered if the spark was actually knowing that Rashid was in town, even if she wouldn’t be able to see him again.

“You’re wanted in the conference room,” Andrea, the assistant Sidra shared with several of the other junior associates.

Sidra glanced at the doorway where Andrea’s head had popped in and popped out, then swung around to her Copyright 2016 - 2024