The Sheik's Pregnant Lover Page 0,23

needed help creating their dream environment, which is why they hired a designer.

Sidra turned to the man standing beside Jonas, glad that he was smiling and looking interested despite Mindy. His light brown eyes were looking at her as if she was an attractive woman and it was a soothing balm to her bruised ego. “It’s very nice to meet you, Tom. I apologize for Mindy’s introduction. I guess she has a bit of a Cinderella complex.”

Tom laughed and took Sidra’s hand in his warm one and smiled back. “She throws a great party so I guess I’ll ignore her for now.”

Both of them glanced at Mindy who was still smiling from ear to ear, watching the two of them closely. “Let’s get a drink” she said and sprung up on her toes, spinning around and heading towards the bar.

It took a while, but Sidra slowly started to relax. Tim was a nice guy and handsome in a very wholesome way. She could tell that he was very intelligent and enjoyed practicing law, getting excited as he discussed some of his cases. If she was a bit bored as he explained the intricacies, she pushed that aside, trying to give the guy a chance since this was a blind date. He was trying a bit too hard to impress, she thought.

Sidra glanced at her watch and was relieved that it was already nine-thirty. She was just about to tell Mindy that she needed to head home, feeling exhausted after having been up since five o’clock that morning and in the office by six, working almost non-stop throughout the day, minus her moments of staring into space while thinking angry thoughts about Rashid. But something caught her eye and she turned to her left. She gasped and a shooting stab of pain caused her to jerk when she looked across the bar and found Rashid walking through the elegant lobby with a woman behind him. The woman was ultra sophisticated with gorgeous blond hair and a black suit that twisted around her body in some sort of elaborate button system. It made Sidra’s black dress feel gauche and childish.

Sidra couldn’t believe the betrayal she felt and had to look twice to make sure it was Rashid. When she blinked and saw him again, she wanted to stand up, rush over to where he was walking and slap him as hard as she could. Even that thought shocked her because she had never condoned violence but she felt so much anger, she wanted to do physical harm to the man who had betrayed her so painfully three weeks ago.

She felt sick and angry, hot and furious all at the same time. Instead of acting on those feelings though, she carefully reached down and found her black, clutch purse. “I’m sorry, but I have to go,” she said. In the back of her mind, she knew that her face was stiff and the three others around the table were looking at her oddly, but she couldn’t help it. She tucked her purse under her arm and stood up, turning in the opposite direction of Rashid and his latest lady-love.

How had she been such a fool! He probably had a different woman every weekend. Possibly every night! Perhaps she should be happy that she’d kept his attention for three mornings.

And then a thought occurred to her and she felt sickened. Had he been out with another woman the night before he spent his mornings with her? Had she just been his wake up woman?

Her hand automatically went to her stomach and she searched frantically for the bathrooms, afraid she was going to throw up at the thought of Rashid in another woman’s arms just hours before he made love to her.

As she searched, her eyes collided with Rashid’s and she wasn’t sure, but was that surprise in his eyes?

She didn’t dare look but hurried towards the exit, uncaring about anyone else. She ducked her head to hide the tears of humiliation and just concentrated on walking forward, finding her escape so she could lick her wounds in the privacy of her own apartment.

She was almost at the exit when her arm was grabbed and she was spun around. When she regained her balance, she was staring at the middle of a massive chest covered in a silk-like cotton and an Italian red, silk tie.

“Where the hell have you been?” Rashid demanded. “And who the hell is the guy you just left?”

Sidra looked up into Copyright 2016 - 2024