The Sheik's Mysterious Mistress Page 0,4

what she thought were the highest priority items and worked her way through each, referencing his instructions over and over again, unsure what to do in several situations but since she couldn’t find anyone to ask, apparently everyone was in some important, private meeting, she was on her own. She’d have to catch him when he’s thinking more clearly and then maybe he would let her step back into her previous position.

Dana did the best she could but knew that she was probably missing the mark on several issues. Lunch time came and went and she didn’t even realize that it was almost dinner time until Hassan came out of the meeting. With barely a nod in her direction, he disappeared once again into his office with his advisors and she clenched her teeth in an effort to not scream out that she hadn’t asked for, nor wanted, this job that was now making her stay late to get through all the worked he’d piled on top of her narrow shoulders.

By nine o’clock that night she finished the last of his instructions. As she turned off her computer, she poked her head out of her office and looked at the other desks, wondering when everyone else had left the office.

“You’re here very late,” Hassan said from the doorway to his office. He slowly walked down the hall until he was standing in front of her. “I hope you had dinner.”

Dana glanced down at her watch and sighed, all her hunger suddenly appearing now that she wasn’t frantically trying to get the work accomplished. “I’ll grab something when I get home.”

He pushed away from the doorway and shook his head. “One of the perks of this position is having the kitchen on speed dial.” He looked down at her phone and lifted the receiver, pressing a button. A moment later, he instructed that a sandwich be delivered immediately to her desk.

She tried to protest, not wanting to hang out here any longer, especially if he was going to be here as well. All she wanted was to go home, curl up on her soft bed and fall asleep. She didn’t even care if she had dinner, because fatigue was her overwhelming issue right at the moment.

“Tell me what you’ve accomplished today. Where are you on all the items we discussed this morning?”

Dana picked up her notebook and glanced down at her notes, with all the additional scribbles she’d notated throughout the day and accepting that she wasn’t getting out of here very soon. She went through the issues, describing what she’d done for each. When she was finished, she took a deep breath and set her notepad back down on her desk, then glared back up at him, daring him to tell her she’d done something wrong after all that.

She saw the surprise on his face but wasn’t sure what it indicated. “You finished everything from this morning?”

She blinked, confused. “Of course.”

He smiled slightly and shook his head. “The deadline for most of those items was the end of the week.”

Her mouth dropped open, shocked at the news that she’d worked this hard for nothing. “Are you kidding me?”

He laughed softly. “I never joke about work.”

A knock on the door revealed a man with a tray and Dana’s mouth immediately started watering at the sight of food. “That looks delicious,” she sighed happily.

The man set the tray on the desk and Dana ignored the gorgeous man standing there watching her eat. She was too hungry to care at this point. “Why didn’t you tell me that stuff didn’t need to be done by the end of today?”

“You’ll start to understand the deadlines a bit more as you gain experience.”

“In the meantime, I’m just going to have to guess?”

“Or ask.”

“Who was I supposed to ask? No one was here.”

“You are my personal assistant now, Dana. Feel free to interrupt me for further guidance.”

She watched him carefully, wondering where that interruption line would be drawn.

Her cell phone rang and she glanced down at the number but didn’t recognize it. She tucked it back into her purse, then wrapped up the rest of the sandwich after eating only a few bites. “Thank you for dinner. That was delicious.” It really had been a crazy day and although the sandwich hadn’t filled her up yet, it at least pushed the hunger pains away until she could create some space between herself and this man who made her body tremble slightly.

As she stood up, she was Copyright 2016 - 2024