The Sheik's Dangerous Lover Page 0,7

look tormented,” the deep voice said and Shanelle spun around as Malik entered the breakfast room. He looked amazingly good and Shanelle swallowed painfully. “What’s on your mind?” he asked as he stopped less than an inch from her, looking down into her worried eyes.

“I don’t like the implication of my presence here this weekend.” There, she’d said it and he could take it however he wanted. She didn’t care. After a sleepless night worrying about what to do and say to Malik, she just wanted to get that out into the open.

Malik chuckled, not offended by her adamant statement in the least. In fact, he’d expected it and was impressed that she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. “I think I’ve already gotten that sense. The question is why don’t you want to be here?”

She squared her shoulders, refusing to give in to the trembling his nearness caused. “I don’t like what this means. People will start to think that….” She couldn’t finish. The idea of what they might think was too crazy. “Why am I here?” she asked.

He took pity on her, noting the dark circles under her eyes and the fatigue that seemed to emanate from her whole body. “For exactly the reason you think,” he said with complete honesty.

She swallowed and blinked, trying to focus. “Rumor has it that you’re looking for a wife.”

“I am. I need to marry and have children, as do most other men and women in the world.”

“Why am I here?”

“Because I want you. And because you are a beautiful woman and I find myself painfully attracted to you.” As he spoke, his hands moved to her waist, pulling her close enough so that she was flush against his body. “I don’t have the time to go through all the normal courtship rituals. So my aides expedited the situation by bringing several females to the palace.”

“And you’re to choose one of them for your wife.”

“That’s the plan.” He wasn’t sure, but he suspected that she was angry about his answer. “Most women would be flattered that they were chosen.” He watched her face carefully. “I’m guessing you’re not one of those women?”

“You guess correctly,” she said and pulled out of his arms. Instantly, she felt cold without his heat close to her, but she crossed her arms, refusing to appreciate that there might be some benefits to being with him. She knew from experience that those benefits faded quickly.

She took several steps away, aware of servants and palace staff passing by outside of the breakfast room. “This all sounds like that old Cinderella fairy tale. But I’m not a poverty stricken woman who wants to be lifted up out of her oppressive household by a man she’s never met before. What if I don’t want to be considered?” she asked, hoping against hope that he could be reasonable.

Malik wanted to laugh. He could still see her nipples through the thin material of her blouse so he knew she was as affected by their nearness as he was. So why was she fighting this attraction? Shanelle Basara became more fascinating with every conversation. She was like a puzzle that he needed to figure out.

“Then I guess I’ll have to show you my sterling qualities and perhaps we can work out a compromise.”

She shifted on her feet, eyeing him warily. “I didn’t think there was much compromise in a relationship with a man like you. And I haven’t heard of much compromise in your dealings with Parliament. Are you saying that you would treat me differently?”

“Yes.” Of course he would treat his wife differently than the others in Parliament and his government officials. He had no desire to make love to any of those people. He didn’t think she’d appreciate his humor though so he kept that thought to himself.

“Then what sort of compromise would there be? You’ve already mentioned several commands you want to give me. I can’t imagine what enticement there might be in marriage for the woman.”

Malik chuckled and took her hand once again. “Let’s walk. I don’t think you want others to hear this conversation.”

“I don’t think I want to have any conversation with you. This isn’t a situation I want to be in anyway. There are so many other women who would love to be in my place. Please, just take a look around.” She pulled back but he simply put an arm around her waist and guided her out the door anyway.

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