The Sheik's Dangerous Lover Page 0,5

about you?” he asked. “What is your background?”

Shanelle shook her head. “Oh, I’m completely inappropriate,” she stated emphatically.

Malik laughed and raised his eyebrows. “In what way?”

Shanelle cringed inwardly. This wasn’t working, she thought. “I just finished law school in the United States,” she stated, trying to show him that she wasn’t willing to be a boring wife who follows her husband around. “I am now studying to pass the legal hoops here in Kanaan so that I can start practicing law here.”

“What sort of law would you like to do?” he asked. Not that she would ever do that, he thought. No, he had a completely different position that she would be filling. The more he spoke to her, the more fascinated he was with both her personality and her intelligence. And her creativity. He couldn’t wait to see what she’d come up with next to try and diminish his interest in her.

Shanelle frowned and a different sort of sparkle entered her eyes. “I’d like to work in family law. But I’m afraid I’ll get burned out after a while. It’s a hard area to tackle. I don’t think I would enjoy working with couples trying to divorce but I would still like to help those who are going through that difficult process if someone were taking advantage of them. But since divorce is extremely rare here in Kanaan, I’m not focusing so much on that area as protecting children and families from issues they don’t understand.”

He was impressed. “Family law is a difficult area to break into. One’s practice grows mostly by word of mouth.”

She grimaced. “I know. But one needs to do what one enjoys and is passionate about in order to be successful, right?” she asked with the first sign of eagerness since he’d snuck up behind her.

“Absolutely,” he murmured, thinking of all the passionate things he would enjoy doing to her once he finally got her into his bed.

“And it isn’t as hard to get into that field as it used to be,” she went on, oblivious to the sexual thoughts racing through his mind. “I mean, there are so many social media outlets now where a person can get their name to the people who are looking for help. And then the word of mouth can start up. I just need to get through Kanaan law exams, then find a small office space.” She nodded with absolute conviction of her eventual success. “It will be okay,” she smiled up at him.

Malik took in her smile and his body reacted even more urgently. He wanted that smile to be for him, he thought. He pulled her closer as they spun around the dance area one more time. She was obviously unaware that they’d danced together for the last three songs but he wasn’t going to relent his hold on her.

“So what were your dreams before you were pulled into your current role?” she asked, her feet feeling like they were floating on air. This man was an incredible dancer. Not once did he step on her toes or hesitate in his confident lead. He was all muscle and towered over her, but he wasn’t clumsy as tall, bulky men usually were. And should be, she thought with a sudden stab of mild resentment.

He lifted his dark eyebrow at her question. “Why do you think I should have done something else with my life other than serve Kanaan?” he asked curiously. From birth, he had known that he might eventually rule Kanaan and he’d never thought about doing anything else. His country had grown in education, economics, technology, innovation and tourism under his rule and he intended to expand that growth even further in the future. If his older brother had indicated a desire and aptitude for sound leadership, he would have done something to help Kanaan expand and prosper. It was in his blood, an ever-present duty to his country.

She shrugged one delicate shoulder as she tilted her head. “I remember that you were the third or fourth oldest. You weren’t in line for the throne originally, were you?”

Malik nodded his head. “I was second.”

“So didn’t you have something you wanted to do other than be in charge of all this chaos?”

He didn’t want to go into that, so he answered her question with a question. “Why do you think ruling Kanaan is chaotic?” he asked.

She laughed up at him. “Are you kidding me? All the political movements, the power struggles, the Parliament that keeps passing Copyright 2016 - 2024