The Sheik's Dangerous Lover Page 0,17

was trying to respect her need for space, for romance. But he wanted her painfully. The other women were just a nuisance to him and he wanted them gone so he could focus all of his attention on her. But if those women made her feel more secure, then he would endure their presence. He would do anything to help her feel comfortable with the future they would share together.

“I just have to get out of here,” she whispered, but her tears were drying up as she realized where she was.

Malik stopped moving his hand, his eyes looking down into her own. “Shanelle?” he asked softly, without any pressure.

She looked up at him, all the longing shining through in her eyes. “Just one more time,” she whispered and her hand reached up, touching the back of his neck while her fingers slid into his hair. She didn’t have to ask him twice. As soon as he realized she was willing to kiss him, he took over the activity, bringing her body closer, shifting her in his lap so that she was facing him. And then it was all over for both of them. He lifted her into his arms, carrying her to the bed while the silver, satin dress slid to the floor, long forgotten.

A long time later, Shanelle lifted her head up, startled by the heat under her cheek. When she realized that her head was laying against Malik’s chest, she gasped and drew back, horrified that she was in bed with him. And they’d just made love like there was no tomorrow!

Thankfully, he was asleep and she could feast her eyes on him without questions or worry.

When she realized what she was doing, she jumped out of bed, pulling on her clothes as quickly as she could. It wasn’t easy, since they were scattered around the room, obviously thrown about in the heat of passion. Malik was still asleep in her bed but she stopped to kiss him gently before hurrying out of the suite.

She practically skidded to a halt when she exited and came face to face with his body guards, all of whom were standing at attention outside her door.

Of course they were there, she chided herself for being startled. They followed Malik all over, even inside the palace. She didn’t understand what was going on, but she was still determined to get out of here. With a small, embarrassed smile, she hurried down the hallway. She wasn’t sure how to get out of the palace, not even sure if the guards would allow her to leave. But when she glanced to her right, she saw several of the servants walking quickly down one of the hallways.

With a flash of irony, she followed them. Since the servants’ hallways had gotten her into this mess, surly they could get her out of it!

She walked down the hallway, acting as if she belonged and there was nothing odd about a guest of the palace walking down the servants’ hallways towards the kitchens. She knew her way around the palace somewhat after being here for almost a week, but she didn’t think she’d ever learn the whole map of the building. It was too vast, to winding and with centuries of leaders adding onto the structure, both inside and out, there were hallways and tunnels that had probably been forgotten about.

She was almost to the kitchens, intending to slip out with the afternoon shift change when a strong arm circled her waist. She was hauled up against the wall, her back pressing against the marble while her breasts were plastered against Malik’s equally hard chest.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he demanded.

Shanelle was too emotional by this point. She’d gone through too many confusing thoughts over the past several hours, all of which were centered on this man. “Just let me go,” she cried out, her small fists punching his chest, trying to get some space from him. She needed to run, to hide and just find herself once again. “I can’t do this! I don’t even like you!” she sobbed.

Malik took her hands in his, holding them firmly over her head while his body continued to press against her, holding her hostage. “You’re not going anywhere, Shanelle. You’re just too afraid to admit that you’re in love with me. But running away won’t solve your problem.” He was furious with her for not realizing the truth, furious with himself as well for not realizing that she Copyright 2016 - 2024