The Sheik's Dangerous Lover Page 0,10

to this weekend as long as you keep the other women here as well. And you look to them as possible wives.”

Malik smothered a smile at that. He knew from experience that the other women wouldn’t affect him like this little lady did. “It’s a deal.”

Shanelle hesitated when he extended his hand. From their kiss moments ago, she knew that touching him was….stimulating. No! No, it was dangerous! She wasn’t stimulated by his touch.

In the end, she couldn’t resist the temptation any longer. She actually braced for the impact of putting her hand into his but she still wasn’t prepared. The heat that overwhelmed her as his large, strong hand engulfed hers was breathtaking.

She looked up at him and knew that he was feeling the exact same thing. “Let’s go inside for breakfast,” she suggested softly.

He didn’t release her hand immediately. She even felt a small tug, as if he were trying to bring her closer.

“Of course. Go off to the left and someone will meet you there. I’ll come around from the opposite doorway.”

He raised her hand to his mouth, his eyes holding her hostage as his lips touched her fingers. She wasn’t aware of her mouth falling open or her body almost melting as those sparks of need tingled through her. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t pull away and wanted badly for him to kiss her again.

When he lifted his head again and stepped back, finally releasing her hand, she felt cold and suddenly bereft. She actually opened her mouth to beg him to touch her again, then realized what she was doing and stopped.

Closing her mouth firmly, she took a deep, sustaining breath, then turned around and followed the body guard that mysteriously appeared to the left of them.

Shanelle looked back at him, trying to figure out how he could reduce her mind to mush so easily. Even last night, being held in his arms as they danced and walked about the ballroom, she’d been aware of every movement of his body, every touch of his hand and the heat of him. And now, as she looked back at him, she wanted to know what he was thinking. She stopped her mind from even trying to guess; she could feel his thoughts. The heat and energy emanating from his tall, muscular body was enough to tell her exactly what he was thinking.

Unfortunately, she was thinking it as well.

She turned away hurriedly and walked behind the guard, her head bowed in shame that she’d reacted so intensely towards a man she’d just met. She didn’t want a rich, powerful man for a spouse. She wanted a partner.

Chapter 3

That night, she was shown to a beautiful suite that even had a balcony that looked out over the city. The lights of the streets and buildings twinkled in the distance while the stars sparkled overhead. She couldn’t believe what had actually happened tonight. Why had he chosen her? She wasn’t special in any way. She had dark hair, just like all the other women. Her brown eyes were unexceptional and her skin was good, but so many other women had the same creamy complexion.

Shanelle knew there were beautiful blonds and sultry redheads somewhere in the palace, all who would dearly love to be chosen as the next baby maker.

Since she had no idea how to get out of this, she really needed to come up with a plan.

She sat down in one of the chairs on the private balcony, looking out at the night. There was a bit of amusement in all of this, she thought as she curled her legs up underneath her. She didn’t have her computer, so she couldn’t study or do any research. She now had a change of clothes, although dinner tonight revealed that none of her current wardrobe would be suitable for meetings with the illustrious Sheik Rahal, and she had no book so she couldn’t even read.

So what was a girl to do when one didn’t have any entertainment?

She could possibly go to sleep, but she wasn’t really tired. Besides, it was only nine o’clock, she realized as she glanced at the clock on the wall. She was normally tired about this time of the evening, being more of a morning person. But there was too much going on in her life for her mind to shut down enough to sleep.

She had to chuckle at how badly her plans had gone awry. She’d tried to be inconspicuous and all she’d done was put herself Copyright 2016 - 2024