The Sheikh’s Tempted Prisoner by Holly Rayner Page 0,6

together, you at least have a place to stay for a while.”

“Who said I’m staying with you?”

“You did, when you ran from the police with me. Besides, where else are you going to go?”

Lily considered that as the desert stretched on. Atnan pulled the car off the highway, and Lily watched as a beautiful, deserted palace appeared along the horizon, growing larger as they drove closer. The Sheikh pulled the car into the circular drive that led to the front doors and turned off the engine, gesturing toward the palace.

“We’ve arrived,” he announced.

Lily stared up at the wondrous building. It was clearly ancient, and there was a distinct sense of disuse about it. Chunks of stone were missing from various places, and the window coverings were torn and tattered. Lily looked back at Atnan, who was watching her with a closed expression.

“What is the son of the ruling Sheikh doing living in an abandoned palace in the middle of nowhere?”

“What, you don’t like my decorating?”

He was deflecting, and she knew it.

“I saw the look of panic on your face when you heard the police sirens. You wanted to escape just as much as I did, yet you are one of the most powerful men in the country. What do you have to run away from?”

He removed his sunglasses, then, revealing a pair of milk chocolate eyes that made Lily want to melt. She steeled her emotions, determined not to let them get in the way of her already difficult situation.

“How about this?” he began. “I don’t ask why you’re in my country illegally, and I won’t report you to the authorities unless you really get on my nerves.”

“Some savior you are,” she muttered, feeling the weight of the threat.

“Oh, come now, I’m just teasing,” he said, though his expression indicated he might not be. “Come inside and see what we have to offer.”

Chapter Three

Lily followed behind Atnan as he walked up to the double doors that served as the palace entrance. He pressed one open, revealing that it was unlocked.

“For a man clearly hiding from the law, you sure take few precautions,” Lily commented.

Atnan glanced over his shoulder.

“No one comes out this way anymore. I assure you, our distance alone provides all the safety we require.”

“Sure,” she replied, doubtful.

What safety? She had gone from potentially being a prisoner of the law to being trapped in a dilapidated palace. Was this really much better?

Gazing around, she had to admit that the palace, while a little worse for wear, was much nicer than a prison cell. The carpet beneath her feet was frayed, but beneath the layer of dust was a beautiful design that must have shone brightly in former days. The walls were lined with peeling wallpaper that appeared to have been a deep shade of burgundy with an intricate gold pattern.

There was now an element of gray around both of those colors that dimmed the effect considerably.

Pieces of furniture were strewn about the place, as though someone had prepared to move and then simply left everything in the front entryway, forgotten. The house was echoing with a story, though Lily could hardly imagine what it was. There was something missing, and a sadness surrounded her as she took in her new surroundings. She felt a sense of deep loss and melancholy.

Then she remembered Marissa.

Her friend’s car! Totaled! And she had been such a bad friend to leave it in the middle of the street. Her friend was away and had no idea she would be coming home to no way of getting around. A tidal wave of guilt coursed through Lily at the thought, and she realized in that moment that running away might not have been the best course of action.

“I need to go back,” she said, and her voice echoed in the silence of the hall.

Atnan had been looking at some papers on a side table. He glanced up at her words.

“I beg your pardon?”

Lily approached him, her body instantly reacting to the sight of his eyes on her. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to run away or wrap her arms around him, and that discord was enough to have her foot out the door already. Atnan may have been the future Sheikh of Al Yibri, but he was also a stranger who was clearly hiding some pretty big secrets. She didn’t need to get caught up in anything worse than she had already gotten herself into.

He turned to fully face her, his steps slow as he Copyright 2016 - 2024