The Sheikh’s Tempted Prisoner by Holly Rayner Page 0,34


In an instant, she saw the anger melt out of Atnan.

“She’s right, you know,” he said, and Kaveh lifted an eyebrow at him.


“Oh, please. Can you get over yourself for one moment so that we might move past all of this? I’m tired, Kaveh. I’m tired of hiding. I’m tired of feeling angry all the time. I am ready to forgive you and move on. As Lily said, let us remember when we were brothers together, climbing trees, having wild adventures as young boys.”

He paused for a moment, trying and failing to keep the emotion from his voice.

“You know, Kaveh, I always thought of you as my full brother, regardless of what I might have said in anger. Let us be brothers, as we were meant to be, and stop these games! You have made a life for yourself here, and a good one, too. Together we can help our country thrive. You don’t need a title to do that. You have the power to make it better, and I want to work with you, not against you. Brother, please.”

Kaveh watched Atnan with an unreadable expression, and for a moment Lily was afraid of what he might say. There was no telling what years of poisonous jealousy and resentment would do to a person.

Could Kaveh ever move on?

Chapter Fourteen

As the silence dragged on, Lily feared that their words would never get through to Kaveh. Finally, he released a gusty breath.

“You know, I have wasted so much of my life trying to be better than you. Perhaps now we can consider ourselves equals, titles be damned.”

Lily would have grinned if she hadn’t been so exhausted. She stepped aside so Atnan could embrace his brother, which he did heartily. When they stepped back from one another, they were both grinning.

“It’s a beginning of a new era,” Atnan said.

Kaveh nodded.

“Indeed it is. I imagine Father will be pleased that the charges will be dropped.”

“Yes. I imagine he will.”

For the first time, the brothers spoke without heat, and Lily was grateful that she had been able to play a small part in their reconciliation. Atnan glanced back at her and frowned before turning back to his brother.

“There is, however, the business of Lily’s visa status. I am perfectly willing to purchase a six-month work visa so that she can find gainful employment here. I believe Al Yibri would be better for her presence.”

Kaveh glanced at Lily and then back at Atnan.

“I believe that can be arranged,” he said.

Kaveh turned to face Lily.

“Miss Hawthorne, I owe you more than you know, and I will never forgive myself for how I have treated you this day, but if you ever find it in your heart to forgive me, I would be eternally grateful.”

“You have my forgiveness, then—so long as you remain a good and faithful brother to Atnan, of course,” she replied with a wry grin.

He chuckled.

“Yes, well, you see what happens when royals get into, shall we say, little tiffs. I’ll leave you two to your own devices. There is much work ahead of me as these issues get resolved. You will not be detained on your way out.”

He held out a hand for Atnan to shake, which he did warmly.

“Brother,” said Kaveh. “I’ll admit that even through it all, I missed you.”

“And I you. I imagine Father will want to have a family dinner in the near future to hash this all out.”

Kaveh nodded. “Yes, I quite imagine he will. You might want to give him a call later and let him know he has his son back.”

“I look forward to it,” Atnan said, his shoulders slumping in relief.

Kaveh nodded, bidding another farewell to them both before closing the door behind him.

Slowly, Atnan turned to Lily. She was leaning against a nearby wall for support, but when she looked into his eyes, nothing could keep her from rushing into his arms. Striding across the room, she launched herself into his embrace, and he held her tightly, kissing the crown of her head.

“Oh, Lily,” he murmured.

“I’m so sorry, Atnan. I was such a fool. I should have trusted you.”

He rested his cheek on the top of her head, not breaking their embrace for an instant.

“No. It is I who needs to apologize to you. When I got home and saw you had left, with the door to my study wide open, I knew I had been an idiot for not confiding in you. I had been living alone, trusting no one for so long. I Copyright 2016 - 2024