The Sheikh’s Tempted Prisoner by Holly Rayner Page 0,31

and forced herself up on her own before she limped to the metal chair behind her and took a seat.

Kaveh shrugged.

“You know, you are not the first seduced captive to come through these doors and defend Atnan to the bitter end. It gets sadder every time, I have to say.”

“You’re a liar,” Lily spat, trying her hardest to focus as her head continued to pound. What she wouldn’t give for a cold shower, a handful of painkillers, and a cool bed, with Atnan by her side. She longed to see him more than anything, but she knew there was a chance she may never do so again. He had been on the run for quite some time. He wouldn’t endanger himself just because she had been stupid enough to break into his private office and assume the worst. He probably hated her for doing so in the first place.

Kaveh walked around her slowly, menacingly, doing his best to intimidate her. She hated to admit that it was working. When he finished his circle and faced her again, it appeared he was ready to try a new tactic.

“Your visa has been expired for well over a week now, Miss Hawthorne. You knew very well that was the case, yet you stayed on here, trying to seek employment without the proper paperwork. Why?”

She stared up at him, wondering just how long she could prolong her fate by talking. She supposed it was worth a shot.

“I didn’t have the money for the work visa, so I figured I would try another way.”

“Did you think that our country turns a blind eye to lawbreakers?”

“I didn’t think, obviously. Why else would I be sitting here?”

Her blunt honesty took him aback, and Kaveh stared at her with hard, dark eyes, trying to puzzle her out. She cleared her throat, which was as dry as desert sand.

“Besides, you might want to ask yourself why the chief of police is so deeply involved in a case about a girl without a valid visa. I imagine there are worse crimes going on that require your attention.”

Kaveh placed rough palms on the table and leaned in to leer at her.

“We have several witness statements that detail your departure in my brother’s—” he paused, correcting himself. “—in the Sheikh’s car. Clearly he is still arrogant enough to drive a flashy vehicle around town as though he is impervious to justice. He will soon learn that that is not the case.”

“Tell me what exactly his crime is, then, and I will let you know if it’s bad enough for me to share my previous whereabouts with you.”

Kaveh watched her carefully, looking to call a bluff. When her gaze didn’t waver, he turned to pace the room like a caged animal.

“The Sheikh is responsible for several crimes, above and beyond the hit-and-run you were involved in last week. He was caught harassing a woman in a public square. She pressed charges, and instead of manning up and confessing his crime, he fled like a coward into exile. Our father left the pursuit to me, and I imagine, based on his indifference at my efforts, that he’s likely glad that his son is still free. I assure you, it won’t last much longer.”

Lily watched him as he turned to face her once again, trying to discern if his case was strong enough to turn her opinion of his brother. She didn’t blink as she continued to look up at him, her expression bored.

“I don’t really see what that has to do with me. I think you should release me. I am happy to go back to America where I belong. Clearly, trying a new life here was a mistake, but I don’t think it is one that should be punishable by imprisonment, do you?”

Her marked omission of Atnan in her statement spoke louder than her words. She would not break, no matter how many ways Kaveh employed to get her to.

Seeing this, his eyebrows narrowed in anger.

“You refuse to comply?” he asked, his voice dangerously low.

“Comply with what? I couldn’t tell you where Atnan was even if I tried. You’ve reached another dead end, officer.”

His hands shook for a moment, and Lily wondered if he would strike her in his anger. Instead, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a shiny pair of silver handcuffs before slamming his palm against the door. He walked over to her and grabbed her arm to force her to stand, which she did, painfully.

Her whole body Copyright 2016 - 2024