The Sheikh’s Tempted Prisoner by Holly Rayner Page 0,18

each dish before stepping away to clear her mind as she put each one away.

They made quick work of it together, and once they were done, Lily realized she hadn’t yet found a solution to her hunger.

“Breakfast?” Atnan asked.

“But we just cleaned a whole bunch of dishes.”

Atnan laughed.

“Yes. That’s what happens when you make food. Then you have to make food again and wash dishes again. I suppose if all you eat are noodles, the cleanup can be a little less intensive, but better food calls for a bit more effort on both ends. Have a seat. I’ll make us some coffee.”

“That sounds heavenly,” Lily said, taking her place on a kitchen stool to watch Atnan grind fresh coffee beans and then prepare them with a French press.

He sweetened it with some kind of syrup before handing it to her, and she breathed it in.

“What is that?” she asked, taking a sip.

Though the coffee was black, it was mild and had a flowery essence.

“Croninberry syrup. They grow deep in the forests here and can be a little hard to get hold of. Luckily, we have a large supply here, and the syrup never expires. It was my mother’s favorite.”

“She had excellent taste,” Lily said, taking another sip and feeling slightly more awake.

“Yes, she did,” he agreed, pouring his own cup and adding syrup before pulling out more pans.

“I’ve never had so much time to devote to meals before,” Lily admitted.

“Oh?” Atnan asked, cracking a series of eggs into the pan and flavoring them with paprika and garlic.

Lily thought about her life up to that point. She had either been studying, running, or applying for jobs. She had never given herself a chance to really enjoy the world, and as she sat there relishing the slow pace of Atnan’s life, she realized just how much she had been missing out on.

Instead of answering his unasked question, she continued to watch as he made up a couple of egg sandwiches and then pulled a bowl of freshly cut fruit from the fridge and filled two plates. When he was finished, he set one before her and took a seat on the stool right next to hers. Even with the mouthwatering scent of the food penetrating the air, Lily could still smell his cologne beside her, and it was even more enticing.

Atnan snapped his fingers, as if remembering something.

“Drinks,” he said. He rose and got two glasses, pulled a pitcher of orange juice from the fridge, and poured them each a glass before settling down next to her once more and tucking into his sandwich.

Lily followed suit. While it was a simple meal, the spices he had used on the eggs brought out a whole new flavor, and it was once again delicious.

“Another perfect grade. Keep this up and you’ll graduate with honors,” she joked, and Atnan smiled.

“Glad to hear it.”

“When did you have time to prepare that fruit and orange juice, though?”

He shrugged, one powerful shoulder rippling up next to her. He really, really needed to put a shirt on for her own sanity.

“I don’t sleep much these days either. It’s as you said. The future is uncertain, and that can be unsettling.”

She was about to ask him to elaborate when he switched topics.

“I am glad you like your rooms, though. They are the best kept in the palace.”

“Did they belong to your mother?”

Atnan shook his head, and Lily felt a rush a relief.

“It was our guest quarters, where we kept clothing for visitors who would come and stay with us, just in case they needed to change or whatnot. It was handy, from what I can remember.”

“I imagine a five-year-old wouldn’t be terribly interested in that sort of thing.”

He chuckled.

“You imagine correctly. I got into quite a lot of mischief around here, actually. I would be happy to show you all my favorite spots if you would like a proper tour. You made it back here, so you’re clearly able to figure out directions. That will be useful.”

“That sounds perfect,” Lily said before taking the last bite of her sandwich and digging into her fruit. The orange juice was perfectly sweet and fresh, and she found herself feeling spoiled as Atnan continued to tell her about the palace grounds.

When she finished, she stood.

“All right, we are fed and the day is stretched out before us. Why don’t we clean up, get dressed, and go find this adventure you keep talking about?”

Atnan smiled down at her, and she swallowed once again. What Copyright 2016 - 2024