The Sheikh’s Tempted Prisoner by Holly Rayner Page 0,13

made an exceptional restaurateur, had you not been born in a palace.”

Atnan chuckled. It was a soothing sound, one Lily was hopeful to hear more of for however long they had in their gilded prison.

She frowned, then.

She didn’t like thinking of Atnan’s palace as a form of jail. Instead, she opted to do her best to enjoy the adventure of it. Anyway, if she thought about the scary truth, it would be too overwhelming, and right now, being cooked a gourmet meal by a sheikh, she didn’t feel at all like a prisoner.

“I admit that I have considered opening a few places of my own around the country, just so I can pop in and cook whenever I please. I don’t think the chefs would be very happy with me, though, so perhaps I will have to keep my talents a secret for now.”

“Who said you have talent? We haven’t tasted the food yet.”

Atnan turned and looked at her with a critical eye.

“You doubt my skill?”

Lily lifted a shoulder, glancing down to avoid the searing gaze coming at her from the direction of the stove.

“I’m just saying I have yet to try it, so I will have to reserve my opinion for later.”

He stared at her.

“You realize you just told a royal family member that his cooking might stink, right?”

Lily met his gaze then, and didn’t back down.

“What, the sensitive prince can’t handle critical feedback? Did you get all perfect grades in school because you were smart, or because no one backed down from this?” she said, gesturing to his glare.

His eyes narrowed. “You are making some pretty insulting insinuations, Lily Hawthorne.”

“And you, sir, are burning the food. You’re about to prove my point.”

Atnan turned back to the stove and flipped over the beef, which had gotten dangerously close to being overcooked. Removing the pan from the burner, he finished stirring up the cheese sauce and vegetables and plated the food. It looked as though it had been done by a professional. He turned back to her.

“Are you going to antagonize me all night, or can we go back to enjoying a meal together as new friends?”

“Oh, I’m your friend now?”

“You have a strange way of treating the people who help you.”

Lily bit back a retort, realizing that there was some truth to his words. Yes, she was frustrated, and a part of her realized she was pushing Atnan away on purpose, because the more time she spent with him, the closer she wanted to be to his perfect, kissable mouth.

Lily sighed, then.

It wasn’t Atnan’s fault. In fact, he had been the only person in the country to help her at all since she had arrived. The least she could do was be nice.

“I’m sorry,” she said, setting down her wine glass. “It’s been a rough couple of weeks. Well, a rough couple of years, actually, and you don’t deserve to be treated with anything less than respect.”

Atnan watched her as she delivered her apology, his chocolate eyes penetrating, as though he could see right through her to her core. She fought the urge to look away. She fought the urge to walk up to him and press her face to his. Maybe it would be wise to lay off the wine a bit.

“That doesn’t mean that I’m going to lie to you, however. So, get ready for someone who isn’t afraid to tell the Sheikh the truth.”

Atnan’s lip twitched, and he nodded.

“Apology accepted. I have confidence that your critique of tonight’s meal will not be upsetting in the slightest. Let’s have a seat, shall we?”

Chapter Six

The Sheikh took a plate in each hand and tilted his head toward a doorway out of the kitchen. Lily grabbed her wine glass, an extra one for him, and the opened bottle, and followed him out of the kitchen. The sun had set while he had been cooking, and the blackened hallways held a haunted feeling with their peeling edges and aged appearance.

Lily stepped a little closer to Atnan as they reached a glass door.

“I’m sorry, can you open that? My hands are a bit full.”

Lily nodded, stepped ahead, and shifted her own cargo into one hand before she pulled on the curved handle of the door. She stepped outside, the flickering candlelight dancing in her eyes.

Atnan had set up a table for two in a private garden surrounded by plants that had died many years before. Surrounding them were statuettes and tiny fountains, and the only light came from two long white Copyright 2016 - 2024