Shattered Bonds (Jane Yellowrock #13) - Faith Hunter Page 0,29

the altered pasts in raindrops had taught me some things. Think, at least a little, before speaking.

I turned to Bruiser but spoke to Alex. Softer, with all the formality I had learned and all the ceremonial words in my vocabulary, I said, “Tell Grégoire, ‘So speaks the Dark Queen. My dear old friend Grégoire of Arceneau. We are honored at the loyalty you have displayed. We would award your devotion and appoint you Warlord of the Dark Queen.’”


I Had to Apologize to a Werewolf

Bruiser blinked, his eyes taking on a sheen of memory, as if he searched his past for references and could find none. A faint smiled turned up his lips and he gave me a nod of surprised approval.

I went on. “Our enemies will be made an example. Mithran traitors and betrayers, Naturaleza, killers of humans, and murderers of my people are to be given no quarter. The clan homes of our enemies are to become scorched earth. Any who do not swear to you in my name, any enemy clan Blood Masters and all their master Mithrans, no matter their status, will die. The only quarter given will be to the youngest scions still in chains, the prisoners of our enemies, and the human blood-servants and blood-slaves, provided that they agree to be bled, read, and bound. Those are yours to judge.” I closed my eyes, knowing I had just sentenced dozens and dozens of vamps to death. No wonder Blondie hated to rule. This sucked. “These are the words of the Empress of Europe and the Dark Queen. If you accept, proclamations will go out . . . posthaste.”

Bruiser’s eyes were intensely sad and deeply focused on mine. “As the Dark Queen commands.” He glanced at Alex. “Send the electronic message to Grégoire of Clan Arceneau and associated titles. If he agrees, you’ll need to draw up the papers and have them approved by the Robere brothers.”

The Roberes were both Onorios and one was a lawyer, making them dispassionate judges of vamp protocol. They were also Grégoire’s people. It was a good safety measure. I nodded to Bruiser.

“The proclamations will then need to be transcribed to vellum, signed, and go out by messenger as soon as a courier can get through. And this time,” Bruiser said to us all, “there will be no doubt. Multiple copies will be sent to every Blood Master and MOC in the Americas, Europe, and Asia.”

Alex muttered, “It sounds like war.”

His voice so soft I could hear the crackle of flames from the fireplace over his words, Bruiser said, “It is war. Jane’s proclamation may decrease the numbers of casualties, and it gives those currently nonaligned a political and diplomatic pathway to peace with the Dark Queen.” He lifted my hand and brushed his lips over my knuckles. “It’s brilliant, my love.”

“This sucks,” Alex said. “Not the paperwork. War in general.”

I glanced at the small clock on the mantel. It was far past midnight. “I’m going to shift to Beast,” I said, “but I’d like to sleep inside.”

Bruiser smiled wider, and it was like the sun breaking through the clouds. “I’ll pull the queen’s doggy bed onto the mattress.”

Alex made a snorting sound at the doggy-bed comment. I ignored it. “Alex, please wake me when Shaddock’s people turn into the drive. I’d like to—” receive them properly. I was still thinking and talking like the DQ. “I’d like to have feet instead of paws when they get here.”

“Got it. Night, Janie.”

In our bedroom, I folded my comfy clothes and shifted to Beast. Strength and energy flooded through us. Because my human form was skinny, my Beast form was skinny too, all muscle and no body fat, no reservoirs for between meals or between shifts. I was ravenous. After a meal of raw bison liver and bison loin provided by Bruiser, I/we sprang to the bed, which sported an extra layer of memory foam on my side, one with a washable cover. Beast yawned and stretched, upward-facing cat, downward-facing cat (not dog; never dog), and lay down, jaw on Bruiser’s hand. He scratched under our chin.

Beast thought, Mate. Good mate. Brought dead bison and grooms Beast.

Yeah, I thought back. He’s coolio.

Onorio body is hot like Beast body. Do not understand coolio.

I smiled and didn’t contradict her. We fell asleep knowing we were safe and loved.

* * *

* * *

I slept until the smell of pancake batter and cooking bacon woke Beast and we slipped from the bed, leaving Bruiser sleeping. It Copyright 2016 - 2024