Shattered Bonds (Jane Yellowrock #13) - Faith Hunter Page 0,112

a type too. I like honest men who like to laugh and who aren’t scared of me. When you decide you’re ready to stop lying, stop scowling, and pull up your big-boy panties instead of cowering in fear of witchy me, give me a call.”

Beast chuffed softly. Liked Liz witch. Witch gripped poles and slid through snow.

“Wait,” Eli said. Liz stopped. Tilted head like cat, curious.

Beast sniffed air. Was mating on air. Human mating was better than food.

“The thing in the water was Soul. I might have just killed the assistant director of PsyLED.”

“That would suck,” Liz said, her tones saying she was laughing and speaking lie. Beast did not understand why Liz witch would laugh and lie.

Eli made sound of amusement that was . . . cat-snide. Like cat laughter when cat pushed dog off rocks into mud. “And beside that whole ‘might spend my life in jail for killing the assistant director of PsyLED’ thing, I just got out of a good relationship with someone I liked. A lot.”

“Got out? You broke up with her? Why?”

“She’d get something in her head and she’d keep pushing. And pushing.” Eli stood and touched Beast head. Beast rubbed head into Eli hand.

“What was she pushing for?”

“For me to go on a cruise with her. I hate boats.”

Beast rubbed head back into Eli hand. Ears itched. Witch said nothing. Just watched Beast and Eli and scratching ears.

“I hate being on the ocean,” Eli said.

“Hmmm. Scared?”


Word was hissing like snake.

Liz witch laughed. Laugh was low, like purr, and Eli body reacted again. Beast looked from Eli to witch. “You ever tell her that?” she asked.

“She never asked. But she wanted to live on a boat when she retired from the force. Kept pushing that too. Communication is a two-way street and she didn’t care enough to ask, so I never volunteered.”

“Passive-aggressive. Childish.”

“No argument. I was.”

Liz witch spun stick in snow, making it seem to dance. “So what do you want, if not to live on a boat after retirement?”

“A family. Kids. A home. White-picket-fence kinda thing. A woman who likes guns. A woman who’s independent. “

“Having babies was a little faster than I intended to go, but since we’re there already . . . Guns don’t bother me but I don’t like ’em much. They’re unreliable. They jam. They can be stolen and used against me or against others. Guns need ammo to work. I prefer magic. I’m a stone witch. We don’t do well around salt water so cruises are out. I like mountains, but I’m fine with flat land as long as I can bring rocks with me. I like kids well enough but I don’t intend to raise ’em alone. I want a man who does diapers and dishes. And the house has to be stone-clad, not brick or that vinyl stuff. Don’t need a picket fence because my wards are better than any ol’ fence. Oh. And while I don’t like making love in the dunes, I do like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain.”

Eli didn’t answer but fingers stopped scratching. Felt tension course through Eli body like chasing rabbits.

“Song lyrics from the eighties,” witch said, eyes on Eli.

“Nineteen seventy-nine. Not the eighties.”

“Whatever. Before I was born. Make you a deal. You don’t like something I do, you tell me. I don’t like something you do, I’ll tell you. In between you make me steak and a salad and we’ll talk.”

“Jane’s facing a war. I don’t have time to chase women.”

Witch laughed again. “Chicken.” Her feet made shushing noises on boards as she moved toward inn. Over shoulder, witch said, “Watch out for snowdrifts over your head, big boy.” Witch moved back to house.

Eli said mating word. Beast did not understand. Eli wanted to mate. Talked of mating. Yet did not chase mate. Humans were silly kits. Beast stepped away and pawpawpawed to stream bank. Dropped belly to ground and belly-crawled to look over pool of water, belly in snow. Water was no longer making steam. Was no longer bloody. Soul was sitting on tree over pool. Was wearing thin human clothes. Was not wet. Soul wore strange jewelry on leg. Dragon looked at Beast and covered jewelry with dress. Said nothing.

Eli moved up to Beast and nodded to Soul. “I see you survived the shots.”

Soul looked away. Nodded.

“You want to tell me why you bit Jane? If you had been in your dragon form, you’d have killed her.”

Soul looked frustrated, like a juvenile kit that tried Copyright 2016 - 2024