Shameless - Sybil Bartel Page 0,79

at least Massimo Vincenzo didn’t pretend to protect me, or try to fuck me, or smile and act like my friend. He had the balls to come right out and tell me he was using me, which is more than I can say for all of you.”

“Not guilty.” Talerco threw his hands up. “I wasn’t usin’ you, darlin’.” His hands still up, he nodded at Ronan. “You?”

Still as fuck, Ronan didn’t respond.

Talerco looked at me and broke out in a grin as he lowered his arms. “Save yourself, plead the fifth.”

“Fuck off.” My hands fisted, and I issued a command. “Outside, Princess. Now.”

“Go to hell.” Pivoting, she walked out.

I moved to follow.

Behind my back, Talerco chuckled. “Goddamn, I love seein’ Cyborg sweat.”

Closing in on her six, I watched her sweet ass as she managed to power walk in sky-high heels. I shouldn’t have been surprised. This was the same woman who broke out in a sprint in fuck-me boots with gold stiletto heels.

Except the sad truth was, I was surprised.

I was also taken off guard.

No one infuriated me like this woman. I walked away from this kind of shit, but here I was, dressed in a goddamn monkey suit, chasing tail.

Shaking my head, I caught her as she reached the valet.

Holding her ticket out, she even looked graceful when she was pissed the fuck off. “Maserati, and make it quick.”

The fucking valet prick checked her tits out before looking her in the eye. “Yes, ma’am.”

Seven fucking days past rational, I stepped around her and got in the valet’s face. “You check her out again, you’ll be eating through a straw for six weeks.”

“Y-y-yes, sir.” Fucker practically wet himself before he ran off.

Summer let out a snort. “Does that make you feel like a big man? Threatening someone half your size?”

“I don’t give a fuck what size he is. He has a goddamn job to do, and it didn’t involve looking at your tits.”

“Keep it up. Continue to prove everything I already said,” she taunted.

“I don’t need to prove shit.” Except maybe I did. “Did you give Vincenzo what he wanted or not?” Luna could talk to Vincenzo until he was blue in the face and it wouldn’t make a difference. I knew how men like Vincenzo operated. He’d scent Summer until he got what he considered payback, and only then would be back off.

Summer snorted again. “Why would I?”

“Because the woman I had under me in the cabin was smarter than this.”

“Right,” she practically spit at me. “Because that’s what it boils down to for you. Women are good for fucking and nothing else.”

Motherfucking goddamn it. “The woman I held knew her father didn’t give a shit about her loyalty. She knew damn well who picked her up from that rehab. Hell, who’d driven her. She knew she was a pawn to him as much as any asshole wannabe singer he made sign on the dotted line, and she knew he’d protect himself before anyone else.”

She crossed her arms and her eyes welled, but she didn’t deny it.

I stepped closer and lowered my voice. “Give Vincenzo what he wants. Be done with it. Move the fuck on with your life. You don’t need him or his approval.”

“My father didn’t put me in this position. You did.”

“I know.” God-fucking-damn it, I knew. “And I’m sorry. But don’t think for one second that you couldn’t have wound up here all on your own simply because you share a last name with a prick.” I dropped my voice. “Don’t let him own you when he doesn’t pay it back.”

“I don’t even know why you give a shit.” She turned her back on me and her voice broke. “You didn’t want me either.”

“Turn around,” I demanded.

Hurt clouded her tone. “Screw you.”

“Turn. Around.”

She swiped at her face but then she spun. “You don’t get to tell me what to do.”

“I’m here,” I stated.


Hands fisted, jaw tight, my nostrils flared and I repeated myself. “I’m right fucking here.”

“Good for you.”

The valet pulled up with her ride.

“You’re not hearing me.”

“I heard every word,” she argued like she knew what the fuck she was talking about. “But it doesn’t change a thing.”

Every muscle in my body tensed with the urge to reach for her and slam my mouth over hers and end this bullshit between us, but I didn’t.

I fucking didn’t.

I stood there like a goddamn pussy, waiting for her to do exactly what she accused me of not doing for her.

I waited for her to fucking choose Copyright 2016 - 2024