The Shadowseeker - Victor Kloss Page 0,60

as I do for cucumber sandwiches.”

“That's exactly why I wanted to see you,” Lornor said. “For over two hundred years, the Institute and I have not been on speaking terms, since their horrific culling of the forreck. Now, in the last two weeks, I suddenly get two separate visits. I am curious.”

“Two visits?”

Ben's question was chorused by Natalie and Charlie.

“Ah, you did not know,” Lornor said. “Further confirmation of the Institute's inept management.”

Ben's throat suddenly felt dry. “Who else came here?”

This time, Lornor had eyes only for Ben. “You know, already, I think.”

“My parents,” Ben whispered, barely able to get the words out. “What did they want?”

Lornor gave a humourless chuckle. “Information on forrecks. Isn't it ironic? The Institute are responsible for the eradication of one of the most incredible animals in the Unseen Kingdoms, and now suddenly they are interested in them.”

“What did you tell my parents?” Ben asked, the question coming out before he realised how presumptuous it was. But Lornor seemed to be enjoying himself.

“I gave them little titbits,” Lornor said, giving his cat an even firmer stroke. “Enough to whet their appetites, taunting them with information while withholding any truly important data. They wanted to know if there were any forrecks left; I told them there may be one, though I didn't tell them where. They asked if I knew of any potential forreck weakness. I told them I did, but refused to disclose what it was. As you can imagine, your parents became rather frustrated.”

Lornor gave another little smile that Ben was starting to find increasingly annoying, and he had to resist an urge to step forwards and throttle the old elf.

“I know what you are thinking, young Greenwood,” Lornor said, his voice soft. “You are wondering how you might extract the information your parents tried so hard to obtain.” Lornor made a tutting noise. “I'm afraid that, just like your parents, you will fail.”

Ben bit his lip in frustration, and felt blood on his tongue. He turned to Natalie and Charlie – both were shooting dagger-like stares at Lornor, but neither made any move to do anything. Ben thought fast. They could not leave this room without getting that information.

“As pleasurable as thwarting the Institute is, I must be getting back to work,” Lornor said. “Which means it's time for you to go.”

Lornor looked pointedly at their chests.

Their security badges started flashing and making small beeping noises.

“Ah, right on time,” Lornor said, with another smile. He massaged his hand, before resuming his cat-stroking. “Security should be here any moment. As much as I despised your parents, young Greenwood, their escape did impress me. However, I am quite certain you will not be as lucky.”

“We should go,” Charlie said, looking at the door anxiously.

“No,” Ben said. An idea was forming. A desperate one.

Ben moved quickly, and yanked Natalie's spellshooter from her holster. In three quick steps, he approached Lornor, who shrank back, more in surprise than fear. But Ben wasn't going for the elf. He yanked the cat off the desk and took a step back. He pointed the spellshooter at the cat's head, so the tip entered its ear.

“Start talking or the cat gets it,” Ben said, with a savageness and brutality that surprised even him.

To his surprise and delight, Lornor's confidence showed its first crack, a small flicker of fear, quickly hidden by a stone-faced stare.

“You think you can blackmail me with the cat?” Lornor laughed, but Ben could tell it was forced.

“Let's see, shall we?” Ben said, with a nasty smile. “Let's see how pussy responds to being engulfed in flames.”

Lornor's hard face cracked again, but to Ben's frustration, he kept his mouth firmly shut. There was only one thing for it. Ben focused, and summoned forth the spell. He watched as the red pellet made its way down the orb, towards the barrel.

“Ben, don't!” Natalie said, rushing forwards and grabbing his arm.

He nearly lost focus of the spell, and it retreated back up the orb slightly before he could command it down again. He glanced again at Lornor and saw that he too was watching the pellet, his eyes widening as it floated back towards the barrel.

Natalie tugged on his arm again. Ben wanted to shrug her off, but doing so would cost him valuable seconds – seconds they didn't have. Security would be here any moment. Ben thought he could hear footsteps outside the door, but it was hard to tell with the blood pounding in his ears.

Charlie stepped forwards Copyright 2016 - 2024