The Shadowseeker - Victor Kloss Page 0,56

just as busy as the one running to the castles.

Ben, Charlie and Natalie stood outside the station, barely fifty yards from the fence.

“That is just spectacular,” Charlie said. “It looks like Disneyland times a hundred.”

“Well put,” Ben said. “The question is, how do we get in?”

The only break in the fence was an open gate, which led on to the road that went to the castles. But the gate was guarded. Ben noticed two things about the people allowed through: they all wore a small shiny badge that glowed a certain colour, perhaps indicating the castle they were heading to, and very few of them were human. The majority were elves, but there were also lots of gnomes, goblins and even dwarves, as well as a few buzzing pixies and sprites.

“I never thought we'd stick out by being human,” Charlie said.

“We'll be fine,” Natalie said. “We just need SpellWorks security badges.”

“Where can we get them? I doubt they’re handing them out for free.”

“Follow me,” Natalie said. She checked her watch. “Seven minutes. We need to hurry.”

She led them along the busy road that ran parallel to the fence. Ben was so busy looking around that he had several near collisions. It wasn't the people themselves who caught his eye, but rather what they were riding. Many of the elves rode something that resembled a Segway except it had no wheels and simply floated along. Others rode different types of animals that Ben guessed were related to the big cat family. Still more flew overhead on eagles, though Ben noticed none of them seemed able to cross the threshold of the fence even when flying above it.

Natalie set a quick pace and eventually, in the distance, they could make out a settlement.

“There are four towns, one for each castle,” Natalie said. “Most SpellWorks employees live here.”

“Is that where we're going?” Ben asked.

“No.” She turned towards the fence and sighed with relief. “Oh good, he turned up. He's not that reliable and I feared he might not come.”

On the other side of the gate, just ahead of them, was a young elf. He didn't look much older than Ben, though you could never tell with elves. With long, flowing brown hair and fine eyebrows, Ben supposed he might have been considered good-looking for their kind. But his looks were ruined slightly by the anxious expression and his frequent furtive looks around.

“Rolan,” Natalie said, waving and giving him a glamorous smile. “You made it!”

It was instantly obvious to Ben that Rolan was smitten by Natalie. He softened the moment he saw her. Ben and Charlie received unfriendly glances, before he forgot all about them.

“I said I would,” Rolan said, in a voice that Ben thought sounded a little feminine.

“Do you have them?”

Rolan beckoned Natalie forwards and they met at the fence. Ben saw Rolan hand Natalie something.

“I have to get them back today,” he said.

“You will,” Natalie assured him.

“If you get caught…”

Natalie touched Rolan's hand. “Don't worry, it won't get back to you.”

Rolan seemed mollified, if not by Natalie's words, then by her touch.

“Have you thought about my offer?” he asked.

Natalie stepped back. “I'll let you know tonight.” She gave him a wave. “Thanks again!”

Once they turned and headed back down the road towards the gate, Natalie shivered. “God, he's creepy.”

“I thought so too,” Charlie said, sounding pleased. “What was his offer?”

“It's not even worth repeating. I'm just trying to find a way to let him down gently. He doesn't take rejection lightly.”

Natalie handed them each a badge and they fastened them to their shirts. They shone a dull green.

“Access to the earth castle?”

“The castle is called Gaia. And yes, it should give us access.”

Ben smiled. “Rolan must be a competent little thief. I thought you said these were hard to come by.”

Natalie seemed to be struggling with something. Finally she said, “He didn't steal them.”

“How did he get them, then?”

“He made them. He's very good at forging things. He works in the security badges production department, and knows how they work inside and out.”

Charlie slowed, his eyes narrowing. “If they are forgeries, have they been tested?”

“Not yet,” Natalie said. “But Rolan is exceptionally gifted. We'll be fine.”

Ben studied Natalie. “You weren't going to tell us, were you?”

“I didn't want to worry you,” Natalie said, her eyes lingering a little too long on Charlie.

Charlie's face went red. He mumbled something unintelligible.

“I'm sure they'll be fine,” Ben said quickly, hoping Charlie hadn't taken offence. “Let's go try them out.”

To Ben's relief, both Natalie and Copyright 2016 - 2024