The Shadowseeker - Victor Kloss Page 0,42

to see what is following you, Ben,” she said. “But it is risky.”

“I know. Are you guys coming?”

“Of course we are,” Natalie said, looking affronted. Charlie didn't look quite so eager, but he didn't complain.

They tiptoed to the door with no more alarms, until they set their eyes on the door sign.

“Warden Director.”

“Draven's office,” Charlie said. “That is interesting.”

“I can hear voices, but they are too soft to make out.”

Natalie was right. There were at least two people in the Warden Director's office, but he could hear no more than a murmur with occasional increases in volume.

“I doubt Draven's going to welcome you with open arms and flowers if you barge into his meeting.”

“Assuming it's him,” Ben said.

Natalie put an arm on Ben's shoulder. “I should go in first. He won't get as mad with me.”

“No,” Ben said firmly. He couldn't offer a rational explanation to back up his refusal, but the idea that he wouldn't go in first didn't sit well. He grabbed the handle and gave them both a little smile. “Be ready.”

Ben held his breath, turned the handle, and poked his head through.

Draven's office was far more extravagant than Wren's. It looked more like a royal suite, with deep red furnishings and elaborate gold leaf decorations everywhere he looked. There was one large carpet on the floor, red with a huge symbol of a map on it. But Ben's eyes went straight to the two people standing on the carpet, engaged in a heated conversation that stopped the moment Ben popped his head through. Side by side, Ben hadn't realised how similar Draven and Dagmar were.

“What the hell do you think you're doing?” Draven asked, his anger temporarily masked by astonishment.

“I hope you have a very good explanation for not knocking,” Dagmar said. There was a rare anger in her voice that was somehow even scarier than Draven's fury.

“I'm sorry,” Ben said, feigning surprise. “I got lost and thought this was the 'Rogue Goblin Control' room.”

Draven raised a hand and looked ready to explode, but Dagmar beat him to it.

“Hurry along, and be quick about it.”

Ben apologised again. His heart was racing, but he managed to close the door calmly, and turned to face an expectant Charlie and Natalie.

“Draven and Dagmar,” Ben said, as they all hurried back down the hallway.

“Just the two of them, together?”

“Yep. I didn't have time to look further into the office to see where the intruder might be.”

“Could you tell what they were saying?” Natalie asked.

“No, but it seemed like they were having a heated discussion about something. I can't imagine those two getting along that well.”

“I wonder what they were talking about,” Charlie mused, tapping his chin. “That is interesting.”

“But not very helpful,” Natalie said. “It gives us more questions than answers.”

— Chapter Sixteen —

Night-time Prowling

Friday arrived overcast, the summer sun hidden behind dark, ugly clouds.

“You off to hike Mt. Everest?” Ben asked, as Charlie met up with him on their morning walk to the station. He was carrying an extra big backpack and his face had a slightly pained expression.

“I want to be prepared,” Charlie replied. “Part of the size is due to a sleeping bag, in case we're forced to sleep at the Institute. Then there's food supply, if we get stuck somewhere.”

“You’ve thought of everything, haven't you?” Ben said.

Charlie gave him an appraising look. “What about you? You're just carrying your same bag.”

Ben shrugged. “I don't see this as being a long mission. The lockers will either open or they won't.”

“What if they do?” Charlie said. “And what if whatever we find leads us to some crazy adventure?”

“You can't plan for every eventuality.”

Charlie pulled the straps on his back, and his whole backpack jumped up, almost knocking him over. “As I said, I like to be prepared.”

The strict targets imposed by Dagmar ensured their minds didn't wander too much at the Institute during the day. After a morning of sweeping hallways, they spent an enjoyable afternoon trying to convince a pretty runaway elf girl to return to her family, who had pleaded with the Institute for help. The mission had started poorly. Ben tried using his charms, but that had only earned him a slap in the face. It was Charlie who had come to the rescue. Noticing the chess-like game called Captains of Magic on her desk, he challenged her to a game, the victor getting their stated reward. Charlie had lost, but it was close. The elf girl, as it turns out, was a regional Captains Copyright 2016 - 2024