Shadows at Stonewylde - By Kit Berry Page 0,92

she thinks I’m nasty and selfish. Yul said I’m a thorn in his flesh and he hates me because I upset Mother. Then Sweyn and Gefrin said they’re going to do something really awful to me, worse than they’ve ever done before. Now no one cares about me at all, they know they’ll get away with it. And Jay says he wants to join in as well.’

‘I spoke to your mother about Sweyn,’ said Clip. ‘I told her what he did to you at Samhain, with the apple-bobbing barrel, so—’

Leveret laughed bitterly at this; a horrible sound entirely devoid of mirth.

‘That was kind of you, Clip, but pointless. Mother confronted him and of course Sweyn told his usual lies and she believed him. She always chooses to believe him and Gefrin before me. Why’s that? Why does she love them and not me? What have I ever done so she won’t believe me but always —’

Her voice cracked and Clip squeezed her shoulders, feeling so inadequate.

‘Leveret, you mustn’t think that way. I’m sure she loves you as much as your brothers. I’ll speak to her again and convince her you’re telling the truth about them. I know what I saw in the Barn.’

Leveret shook her head and sighed heavily.

‘Really, there’s no point. Mother isn’t interested in the truth. She’s only interested in what she wants to hear. She said some horrible things about me and Magpie too. There’s nothing – absolutely nothing – I can do to make her see the truth. Poor Magpie …‘

She broke off, her voice fading to nothing.

‘What about Magpie? He’s Starling’s son, isn’t he? The mute boy? I thought he was your friend – I know I’ve seen you together.’

She nodded.

‘I’m forbidden from seeing him. The things they did to him … he can’t eat now. They forced him to eat raw rabbit but nobody believes me. And the only thing they cook in his house is rabbit stew and now he can’t eat it at all. He’s so hungry but nobody will listen to me and he’s getting sick. If Magpie can’t eat then neither can I so we’re both going to die.’

Clip shook his head.

‘No you’re not going to die, Leveret. That’s silly. How old are you?’

‘I’m fourteen. And it’s not silly – you just don’t understand, Clip.’

‘Look, it’s the Winter Solstice tomorrow and you’ll be taking part in the ceremonies and having such a good time at the party in the Barn. You’ll forget all this misery and woe.’

‘I won’t,’ she said mournfully. ‘I won’t be taking part in anything. I won’t even be here. Thank you, Clip, for being so nice to me. I like you and I’m sorry if I’ve ever done anything wrong to you. I must go now – I have things to do.’

She stood up, unsteady on her feet.

‘You were very kind to me at Samhain and I wish I’d had a father like you to teach me. All I ever wanted was to learn about plants and magic and to be the Wise Woman. I never wanted to hurt Mother or do anything bad. But everything’s gone wrong and I can never make it right again. Magpie and I … our lives are a misery and everybody hates us. We’re at everyone’s mercy and we can’t go on like this anymore. I just wish I could’ve been a Wise Woman.’

Clip had no idea what to do with her. She was clearly very distressed – maybe he should tell Maizie, or even Sylvie. But then he remembered it was the start of the Rite of Adulthood today and they’d both be under the willow tree with the women and the girls. Yul would be out too, in the Wildwood with the boys. There was nobody about today who could talk to the girl and help her. Nobody but him and he didn’t have a clue where to start.

‘Would you like to come up into the Solar with me?’ he asked. ‘Up in my tower? You’ve never been there before, have you? The views are really stunning and you could look at some of my books – I’ve a vast collection of them. And I’ll play you my gongs if you like. There’s nothing like a sound bath to put things in perspective.’

But she shook her head.

‘I’ve got to get some food from the kitchens for me and Magpie to take with us.’

That sounded more promising – at least she was intending to eat.

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