Shadows at Stonewylde - By Kit Berry Page 0,78

past, and we’d never lock her in a cupboard now. That was just stupid kids’ stuff and anyway, she’d hardly fit in that little place, would she?’

Yul nodded slowly, watching them both carefully.

‘I thought so too. So when she said—’

‘It just ain’t true – honest, Yul. Why’d we do something daft like that? We only want to help Mother. Though if you want the whole story, we did have a go at Lev that night when we went round to keep an eye on her. We told her off for being so selfish and upsetting Mother and I shouted at her, but I were so angry! And she had that funny turn too – she’s always a bit weird afterwards.’

‘That’s the other thing I wanted to ask you both about. She had one of those turns in here, and she said some strange things when she came round.’

‘She’s always saying strange things – maybe that’s where she got the idea about the cupboard from? Maybe she dreamed about it when she passed out? Mother said Lev looked like she’d taken something she shouldn’t have at Samhain. Her eyes were really weird. But I don’t know …’

‘Okay, that’s sorted out then,’ said Yul briskly, relieved to have got to the bottom of it all. ‘I must say, I did wonder when she said about the cupboard. I remember it as being really small.’

‘Well, either she’s dreamed it or else she’s lying and trying to dump us in it,’ said Sweyn. ‘She does that, don’t she, Gef?’

‘Yeah, she’s always telling tales and making things up,’ he agreed. ‘Lucky for us Mother takes no notice o’ her.’

‘Okay, boys – I’m sorry to have got you in here like this but I had to be sure. I’ve kept Leveret at the Hall for a couple of weeks to give Mother a break but now she’s back home, maybe you can both help out if needed? I’m sure that we can sort Leveret out together, and now I know what she’s up to, I won’t take any notice of her lies in future.’

Yul was just thinking he may have a few minutes to himself when there was another knock on the door. His heart sank when Clip appeared in the doorway – just what he didn’t need tonight when he was so busy. Yul sighed wearily and gestured to the sofa.

‘It’s about this Yule dance for the youngsters,’ began Clip. ‘Martin came to see me and—’

‘Oh for goddess’ sake! Why all this damn fuss? It’s only a dance!’

Clip nodded and leaned forward slightly, his pale grey eyes strained. Yul thought he’d never seen Clip looking quite so old and worn.

‘Believe me, Yul, I don’t want to get involved. But Martin came to find me especially and he’s very upset. You know that he and I have never enjoyed a … close relationship, so that alone’s an indication of how strongly he felt.’

‘Why the hell didn’t he come to me himself?’ asked Yul angrily. ‘Why try to go over my head?’

‘He said he did try to speak to you but you wouldn’t listen.’

‘That’s ridiculous! He said something to me a few minutes after I made the announcement in the Dining Hall, in front of everyone. It was hardly the right time or place for a discussion!’

‘Of course not. He should’ve come to speak to you another time. But he thought you wouldn’t listen so—’

‘So he came running to tell tales to you instead! Well it won’t make any difference, I can assure you.’

‘Yul, I don’t want to take sides. I’m just warning you about how he feels, and according to him, many of the older ones too. Apparently since you announced the dance at dinner tonight, Martin’s been dashing around doing a straw poll amongst the older Stonewylders and they all agree with him. I thought you should be aware of it.’

‘Fine. Thank you – is that all?’

Clip sighed heavily and raked a hand through his wispy white hair.

‘Yul, don’t treat me like the enemy. I’m not against this dance.’

‘Well that’s good! Because the dance will go ahead regardless of Martin or anyone else whinging about it. I have to look ahead for our young people – our lifeblood. It’s all very well sticking to traditions and following the old ways, but our society at Stonewylde will implode if something drastic isn’t done soon.’

‘Yes, I realise—’

‘Our gene pool is tiny. We have to do something about this huge generation my father encouraged. Our youngsters can’t find Copyright 2016 - 2024