Shadows at Stonewylde - By Kit Berry Page 0,49

Yul out of the way,’ said Sweyn slowly, the implications dawning on him. ‘He’s never liked me and I’d be free to do what I like. Sort out that ugly little bitch of a sister once and for all. Yeah, I’d like that.’

‘What about Kestrel?’ asked Jay, thinking of the ring-leader of their group. ‘Does he know about this?’

‘Oh yes,’ said Swift. ‘He knows and he feels the same.’

‘Where is he anyway?’

Swift laughed and got up from the stool.

‘Can’t you guess? He was with Primrose at the feast so chances are they went to the hayloft. I’m sure he’ll be done soon and then he’ll come in for a drink.’

‘Where are you off to?’ asked Jay.

‘Oh, just wandering about.’

But Swift knew exactly where he was going. Midnight wasn’t far off and something was happening at the Stone Circle tonight. He didn’t know what but he intended to find out.


Yul stood quietly in the shadows of a great stone buttress, breathing deeply of the night. It was so hot and noisy inside the Barn and he’d been dancing for hours, trying to spend time with everyone. The ceremony in the Village Green labyrinth had gone very well but as always he was drained afterwards. The feeling he experienced as the Earth Magic poured into him from its serpent source was exhilarating, flooding him until he felt he would burst. Then he must share the magic with everyone and this was the exhausting part. There were so many words of the ritual to remember, all to be chanted perfectly in harmony with the drums. By the end of the ceremony Yul always felt completely worn out, and then he must start socializing.

All he wanted to do now was go home to bed and sleep with Sylvie by his side. He closed his eyes with longing at the thought of it, imagining the silkiness of her skin and the smell of her silvery hair. She’d already left for the Hall, also worn out by the heat and noise. He’d seen her signalling that she was leaving whilst he was dancing with one of the teachers. He hadn’t liked to cut the dance short but wished she’d stayed so they could be together. He hated Samhain night and Sylvie was the one person he could confide in. Over the years she’d helped him deal with his terrors until gradually they’d receded and become manageable. Nobody knew exactly what he’d gone through that fateful Samhain all those years ago, but she understood better than most. She knew he still had nightmares about it, and understood the fear that memories could arouse.

Yul knew it must be approaching midnight and then he could say his farewells and walk up the track to the Hall. He wandered away from the Barn and onto the Village Green, gazing up at the brilliant stars overhead. They were so much brighter in the black, moonless skies and he felt a shudder of excitement which overcame his Samhain fears. He’d always felt this when the Dark Magic was strongest but kept it hidden, for most people at Stonewylde only celebrated the Moon Fullness and were a little nervous of the Dark Moon. As he stepped into the labyrinth of white pebbles he felt a tug at his soul. Midnight was close and the magic was strong. He felt its power thrilling through his veins, re-energising him all over again.

Yul walked along the winding labyrinth path towards the wicker dome in the centre, deciding he should be in there at midnight. He wanted to talk to the dead and hopefully get a glimpse of old Mother Heggy. It’d happened a couple of times since her death almost thirteen years ago and he hoped that as it was the Dark Moon as well this year maybe he’d be lucky again. He still missed her wisdom and loyalty. He wished she’d lived long enough to see him as the new magus and to be proud of all he’d achieved since his sixteenth birthday.

He reached the dome and bent almost double to enter. Inside it was still rich with aromatic smoke. The black feathers hanging from the roof brushed his face as he sat down on the mats. He crossed his legs, straightened his back and closed his eyes, calling upon the power of Samhain and the Dark Moon to give him a glimpse of Mother Heggy, maybe even let him speak to her through the veil of death that separated his living world from the Copyright 2016 - 2024