Shadows at Stonewylde - By Kit Berry Page 0,174

still occupied organising the clearing up. Sylvie had gathered some of the little girls at one end of the barn and was going through their lines with them. People were milling around everywhere moving furniture and benches, all busy and engrossed in what had to be done and looking forward to the afternoon’s events. Kestrel glanced around frantically for someone to help. Yul leant against the wall watching the scene with a dark scowl and Kestrel managed to catch his eye, signalling his urgency. Yul strode over to where Kestrel stood holding Leveret upright.

‘Yul, I don’t know what to do! Look at her – she’s on another planet.’

Yul frowned at his sister, tipping her chin so he could look into her face. He saw her deathly-white demeanour and glassy eyes, the pupils huge and black, and his face darkened.

‘Sacred Mother! What the hell’s the matter with her?’

Kestrel shook his head hopelessly.

‘She’s been like this ever since we got here. She hasn’t eaten or drunk anything and she keeps saying strange things.’

‘This is bloody typical!’ Yul spat. ‘Leveret up to her dramatics again, letting people down and ruining her mother’s day. She looks like she’s taken drugs.’

‘Where’s Hazel?’ asked Kestrel, scanning the crowds.

‘Not here today – she stayed on duty at the Hall with some of the sicker folk in the ward. She’s really needed up there as one of them isn’t expected to last the day.’

He grasped his sister’s slight shoulders and shook her.

‘LEVERET! Pull yourself together, girl! You’re the Bright Maiden, remember? You’re letting everyone down!’

She stared at him.

‘The darkness within you is too dark now – it’s a black evil and staining everything.’

‘DON’T TALK RUBBISH, GIRL!’ he shouted in her face. He turned to Kestrel. ‘Goddess but I’d like to shake her! How dare she do this today of all days?’

Just then Sweyn and Gefrin came up, having spotted the huddle around Leveret. They’d left Jay with his trio of women in the corner where they’d firmly ensconced themselves, marking out their territory.

‘Is something the matter, Yul?’ asked Sweyn.

‘Leveret’s looking a bit odd,’ remarked Gefrin.

‘Too bloody right she’s a bit odd!’ snapped Yul. ‘She’s out of her bloody head and I don’t know what to do with her! She must’ve taken something – her damn mushrooms again, I shouldn’t wonder.’

‘Shall we take her outside for some fresh air?’ suggested Sweyn. ‘We could walk her round the Green a couple of times – maybe that’d clear her head.’

Yul glanced at him gratefully. Sweyn reminded him forcibly of his brutish step father but the lad couldn’t help that and maybe Maizie was right – these two gormless half-brothers of his seemed to have improved with age.

‘Excellent idea! Thanks. March her around and try to sort her out, would you? And keep her well away from Mother – I don’t want her upset today.’

‘No – Mother was so excited about Leveret being the Maiden.’

‘I know,’ said Yul gloomily. ‘I said this damn girl should never’ve been picked. Look at the state of her!’

‘Don’t worry, Yul, we’ll deal with her,’ said Gefrin.

‘Try to get her to eat or drink something if you can. Kestrel says she’s had nothing at all.’

‘We’ve got just the thing,’ said Sweyn, smiling slightly.

‘And take the head-dress off – she’s too conspicuous like that. Find something plain to cover her up with so nobody realises it’s her. I’ll get Rosie to keep Mother out of the way.’

Gefrin nodded eagerly and Sweyn took his sister’s arm.

‘Come on, Levvy – let’s go and sober you up.’

Wanting only to be shot of the embarrassment, Kestrel was more than happy to let them lead her away, one on each side holding her up. He turned to find someone a little more amenable to his charms than this awful partner who’d been foisted on him. He saw the delightful Faun now standing amongst a group of giggling girls and made his way over to them. Faun was much too young for now, but what promise for later!

Leveret was hustled into a small side room where the boys quickly snatched off the snowdrop and silver wicker head-dress, flinging a plain black cloak over her beautiful white dress and pulling the hood up. They had to get her out quickly before Maizie could come looking, and hoped Rosie would keep her away. They managed to get Leveret outside unnoticed and bundled her onto the Green, through the throngs of people milling around and towards the denser trees at the far end. Before they’d got half Copyright 2016 - 2024