Shadows at Stonewylde - By Kit Berry Page 0,151

You know I’ve never taken it from you and you’re using my past illness as a way to bully me into doing what you want. We’re equal – we’re a partnership.’

‘Of course – the darkness and the brightness.’

‘Exactly! In balance, not one overpowering the other.’

They were silent then, both thinking how they could make it work and neither wanting a return to the bleakness of the past couple of months. As Yul stared dreamily into the flames he felt a great rush of love for the woman lying against him, her silver hair spilling over his chest. She was the only one, the only woman he’d ever wanted, and he knew in his heart that part of it, part of his desire and need for her was her refusal to let him take over. The balance must be right if there was to be harmony between them. He sighed, tracing the bones in her shoulder, and knew he must rein himself in and let her come to the fore. Stonewylde needed them both working together, not against each other. Together they were strong and powerful, able to hold the centre together and keep the whole community in harmony and accord.

Neither of them saw the shadows thickening behind the sofa nor felt the presence of another in the room. Neither had any idea of quite what they were up against. They were both thinking things would start to get better now – they didn’t realise their troubles had only just begun.


Faun let herself into the cottage and made straight for the kitchen – she was starving. Her grandmother was at the range putting chopped vegetables into the cooking pot. It smelled like beef stew and Faun’s mouth watered. Her grandmother looked up and smiled.

‘Blessings, Faun my dear. Hungry? Go and sit by the fire and I’ll bring you some tea and cake. Did you have a good day at school?’

Faun nodded and went into the sitting room, throwing herself down in the armchair and tugging off her winter boots. Soon her grandmother brought in a tray and Faun tucked in ravenously. She was almost thirteen, growing fast and putting on weight too. But her mother had assured her it was only calf fat and would rearrange itself into beautiful womanly curves as she got older. Her grandfather brought in a basket of logs and settled himself down too, asking about her day in Senior School up at the Hall. Faun had only started there in September but she seemed to be doing very well. Her mother and grandparents, who all lived together in the cottage, doted on her; she was the apple of their eyes and given a great deal of attention.

By the time Rowan arrived home from the Nursery, Faun had almost dozed off by the warm fire. Rowan pulled off her cloak and boots and sat down in another chair watching her daughter. Rowan was immensely proud of her. Faun was beautiful, she thought, perfect in every way. She was tall for her age as Rowan had been, and becoming as statuesque as her mother. Her body was well developed for a girl and she was becoming a stunning young woman. The girl’s skin was creamy and flawless, her hair blond and wavy and halfway down her back. She had her father’s dark velvet eyes which made Rowan feel very strange at times – it was almost like looking into the eyes of Magus himself.

Rowan sighed deeply. It had been a long day at the Nursery, especially with the coughs and colds plaguing so many of the little ones at the moment. She’d been trying to get the girls to practise for Imbolc but without much success. She knew they’d be fine on the day – they always were and, anyway, nobody minded if a tiny girl made a mistake. It was a different matter with the older ones of course – they were expected to do all the rituals properly. The only one in her Nursery who came anywhere near perfection was Celandine. Rowan had to admit she was a wonderful dancer. The girl was so very light on her feet, seeming to skim the floor, and held her body with the controlled tautness of a true dancer. She remembered steps faultlessly and could create dances to order whether there was music or not. Celandine was so excited about Imbolc now that she was doing a little solo, and Sylvie had been delighted and grateful when Rowan had Copyright 2016 - 2024