Shadows at Stonewylde - By Kit Berry Page 0,149

be ready, and we’ll help you with that sister o’ yours.’

‘Aye, we’ll help for she too must be broken. We know of her, we been watching as she’s grown. Another cuckoo in the nest but we’re ready for her. She’ll be no match for us.’

‘Nay, no match for us. We’re the old ones, the wise ones, and we know the ways. She knows nothing yet nor ever will.’

They cackled again and offered the boys another pipe.

‘I’m not happy about the choice of Maiden,’ said Yul, watching his wife across the table. They were eating dinner, candles and silver on the white cloth, food on the plates. Their daughters slept further down the wing and they were alone. This had become the only time of the day when they had any real contact and even this was fraught with uneasiness. Sylvie looked up at him, the candlelight flickering on his honed face and casting shadows under his cheekbones and brow. His deep grey eyes gleamed as they regarded her. He lifted his wine glass and drank the ruby liquid.

‘The choice of Bright Maiden is for the women to decide,’ she said neutrally, trying to keep annoyance from her voice. ‘Maizie, my mother and I chose Leveret together. It’s not something the magus gets involved with – you know that, Yul.’

‘Nevertheless, you should’ve consulted me. She’s my sister and you know the trouble she’s been in recently. It’s not right that she should be given this honour when she doesn’t deserve it.’

‘That’s what my mother said.’

‘Ah, so it wasn’t unanimous then? Of course Mother would push for Leveret – she’s running around after that girl as if nothing’s happened, desperate to keep her happy and it makes me angry to see it. I might’ve known my mother would drag you along with what she wanted. You need to learn to stand up to people and stop being so soft all the time.’

‘How dare you!’ cried Sylvie, feeling cold fury rising inside her. ‘I make my own decisions, as you well know! Actually it was my idea to choose Leveret.’

The twitch of his mouth showed his disbelief.

‘And don’t you get any ideas about changing our choice! We’ve announced it now and it can’t be altered. Leveret will be a lovely Maiden.’

‘It was very ill-considered, if it really was your choice and not something you’d been manipulated into. You need to think these things through carefully, Sylvie, and not make poor decisions that only reflect badly on you.’

She glared at him, unable to belief his arrogance. He stared back coldly, watching the emotions playing on her face. He was pleased to have finally penetrated the shell she now wore, keeping him at bay from her inner as well as her outer self. Maybe if he could break it down altogether they could start again, with no secrets or hidden agenda. He knew she was keeping something from him but had no idea what it was.

Yul poured himself some more wine which he savoured as he sat watching her across the table. He’d finished his dinner but she’d barely touched hers. She was getting thinner again and he didn’t like it; another reason to get this sorted out.

‘And one more thing, Sylvie. I know you’re sleeping badly, you look exhausted and you’re losing weight – I’m not sure you’re actually up to this Imbolc ceremony at all.’

‘What? Of course I’m up to the ceremony! It’s the only one I lead and you’re not muscling in on this as well!’

‘No, not me of course – it must be led by a woman. I thought maybe Miranda could lead it this year as you’re looking so weak. We can’t have you overdoing it – you know where that might lead.’

‘I am not ill! How many times do I have to tell you that? Yes, I’ve been sleeping badly, having nightmares, and so has Bluebell which makes it worse. But I’m perfectly well. And if I’m losing weight it’s because you put me off my food. I was quite enjoying this meal until you started having a go at me. That’s your fault!’

‘Are you saying you don’t want me to eat dinner with you any more? Finally cut off the last contact we have? Is that what you’re saying, Sylvie?’

‘No! Yes … no, I do want to have dinner with you but only if you get off my back and stop haranguing me!’

To her utter dismay Sylvie burst into tears which wasn’t how she felt at all – Copyright 2016 - 2024