Shadows at Stonewylde - By Kit Berry Page 0,145

cards were pinned on display in the Barn until after Imbolc for all to see. The group of girls went off to help in the Barn and Edward blew the whistle for the archers to stop firing and go to collect all their arrows, making sure their quivers were full for the competition later.

As they strolled towards the targets Swift regaled them with the latest news of Magpie.

‘He was screaming this morning, Father said – making that awful screeching noise. Apparently he’d trodden on a dead rabbit outside the front door when he went out.’

Jay roared with laughter, his bullet head turning almost crimson with mirth.

‘I knew that would set the bugger off!’ he shouted with glee.

‘You put it there?’ asked Gefrin. ‘That was a good idea.’

‘Yeah, I caught six of ’em yesterday, too much for even my fat Auntie Starling to eat. So I took one round last night for the half-wit and left it by his door step. I knew it would get him going.’

‘Be careful though,’ warned Swift. ‘Cherry and Marigold are on the look-out for you anyway.’

‘Do you think I care? I like winding ’em up, stupid old bags.’

‘Yes but they’ll tell my father and then he’ll have to have a go at you.’

‘So?’ said Jay belligerently. ‘What’s he going to do?’

‘Well if you won’t take it from him, he’ll probably tell Yul.’

‘And? What’ll Yul do – banish me? I don’t think so!’

Swift shrugged. He’d warned Jay – he couldn’t do anymore. They’d reached the target and Jay began to pull his arrows from the straw boss.

‘Looks like you missed the star again,’ teased Kestrel, pulling a couple from the ground that had missed the straw target altogether.

‘Yeah, it’s these arrows – they’re shit.’

Kestrel laughed. ‘My father gave me these at my Rite of Adulthood,’ he said, tapping the quiver on his back.

‘Well I ain’t got a father, have I? Some bugger had him killed off – some bugger set a crow on my father!’

His face darkened with anger and his eyes bulged, glaring at them all.

‘Too bad, isn’t it?’ nodded Sweyn in sympathy. ‘Mine choked on a bit o’ cake and never got over it. Had a stroke, he did.’

‘At least that were an accident – mine wasn’t. One day I’ll get my revenge. My father didn’t deserve to die.’

‘I thought he’d killed your mother?’ said Swift mildly. Jay turned on him, looking for someone on whom to vent his aggression.

‘He didn’t mean to! My Granny Vetchling said it were my mother’s own fault. She went on and on at him, nagging and whining all the time until one night he snapped and tried to shut her up. Remember she was that cow Marigold’s daughter and we all know how she goes on. That’s why the old Magus brought him back, Old Violet said, ‘cos he knew my father were innocent. Alright?’

‘Yeah, of course,’ said Swift. ‘I’m sure you’re right.’

‘Too right I’m right. So don’t say anything against my father again!’

‘I wasn’t.’

‘Yes you—’

‘Enough!’ said Kestrel. ‘For goddess’ sake, let’s talk about something else. The Maiden, for instance – have they picked her yet? Anyone know who it’s going to be?’

They all shook their heads. Every year a girl was chosen for the Imbolc ceremony as it was the festival of the Maiden, celebrating new growth, purity and femininity. The girl had to be under sixteen and would partner the Archer in the ceremonies. All the little girls of Stonewylde took part too, and each one dreamed of one day being chosen to be Bright Maiden.

‘I reckon it’ll be Tansy,’ said Sweyn.

‘Or Honey.’

‘No,’ said Kestrel. ‘Not Honey – it’s her Rite of Adulthood at the ceremony. She told me herself and we all know why.’

‘Maybe Bryony?’ suggested Jay. ‘She’s fifteen.’

‘What about Leveret?’ said Swift.

‘Her?’ laughed Sweyn.

‘She’ll be fifteen too, won’t she? It could be her.’

‘They wouldn’t choose a scrawny little bitch like her,’ sneered Gefrin. ‘No, I think Bryony too.’

‘It could be Leveret,’ said Kestrel speculatively. ‘I wouldn’t be surprised.’

‘Goddess, can you imagine it?’ groaned Sweyn. ‘She’d embarrass us so much, the stupid little cow. I don’t think it’ll be her – it’s always someone really pretty.’

‘She is really pretty,’ said Swift. ‘I got the shock of my life at the Outsiders’ Dance when I saw her.’

‘She’s not pretty!’ scoffed Jay. ‘She were just tarted up, that’s all. It made me want to slap her, showing off to everyone like that. I was itching to bring her back down to earth with a thump. But I Copyright 2016 - 2024