Shadows at Stonewylde - By Kit Berry Page 0,139

naturally gifted artist and now David was able to show him techniques and materials he’d never encountered before. Magpie loved to sketch, rapidly filling pads with beautiful pencil and charcoal drawings, but he also loved to paint and was introduced to oils, watercolours and acrylics. He quickly produced an amazing semi-abstract painting of a sky filled with swallows and David was very excited at his raw talent. Magpie’s subject was always nature and he loved to roam outside with a sketch pad, gaining inspiration from what he observed with his artist’s eye.

His evenings were spent in the cottage by the fire with Marigold and Cherry, looking at picture books from the Village school or listening to stories. Whilst they read to him he made tiny animal figures from a great lump of clay David had given him from the clay beds by the river. Although he’d attended school in the past, Magpie had shut himself off into his private world; he knew none of the fairy stories or folk tales that the children heard daily. He was enthralled now when one of the women read to him and showed him the pictures, and would get excited as the stories drew to their conclusion. The women reckoned he had the mind of a four-year-old and he was a pleasure to have around. His dancing turquoise eyes gave them all the reward they needed for their devotion to his welfare.

Leveret was delighted with his blossoming, her only remaining worry being Jay and the Death Cap mushroom. She’d stowed hers away safely in Mother Heggy’s cottage, but thought often of Jay and his threat to Magpie. She told him constantly that if ever Jay gave him a mushroom he must never put it in his mouth – he must save it and give it to her. She was worried he’d remember her giving him mushrooms at Quarrycleave and think it was alright. She warned Marigold and Cherry too.

‘Don’t worry, we’ll look out for Jay,’ they assured her.

‘He’s never yet tried to come here looking for our Magpie,’ added Cherry.

‘I’d give him a piece of my mind if he did!’ said Marigold, quivering with indignation at the very thought of it. ‘I saw the marks on that poor boy’s body and the way he can’t eat meat and gets upset anywhere near rabbit. I can’t believe any grandson o’ mine could behave so cruel! I wish you’d let me tell Yul or Clip about what happened, Leveret.’

‘Please Marigold, you know it would only make things difficult,’ said Leveret with a frown. ‘I wish the whole gang could be punished for what they did – they certainly deserve it – but my brothers were there and Mother would be so upset if I got them into trouble. And of course it’s only my word against the whole gang’s anyway – there’s no evidence and Magpie can’t tell them anything, can he? They’d all just deny it and then I’d get into trouble again for telling lies.’

‘Aye, well, it makes my blood boil to think on it. That Jay is evil just like his father, and if my dear Lily’s watching through the veil she must be bowing her head in shame. ‘Tis all that Starling’s doing, her and those two old sows.’

‘The only visitor Magpie gets is Swift and he seems kind enough with the boy, but ‘tis hard to say. Where Magpie don’t talk you can’t always tell if he’s upset or not.’

‘I’m not sure about Swift,’ said Leveret, remembering Swift’s friendliness to her at the Outsiders’ Dance – unlike the other three bullies. ‘Does he come over much?’

‘Well Martin likes him to come by every evening for a visit and while he’s there next door he sometimes pops in.’

‘Aye but don’t you worry, little maid. We’ll make sure our Magpie’s safe from all harm.’

The day before January’s full moon, when the Council of Elders’ meeting and the school day were over, Leveret received a message from Clip inviting her to visit his tower. After popping in to Magpie’s cottage she made her way back into the Hall again through the kitchens and the maze of corridors and passages towards the tower. She’d never been inside before and was a little nervous, for it was drummed into every Stonewylde child that the shaman’s tower was private.

Clip took her up to the solar on the top floor and brewed some rosehip tea, trying to put Leveret at ease. They sat talking, the fire burning in Copyright 2016 - 2024