Shadows at Stonewylde - By Kit Berry Page 0,115

dropped by to see you. I started making this way back in November when Yul first told me he were thinking of holding the dance, long before he announced it to everyone. I knew you’d nothing pretty to wear and you’d feel awkward, so I wove this special piece o’ linen from the finest flax and dyed it this lovely colour to bring out your green eyes. And I been sewing it ever since, trying to keep it hidden from you. Do you really like it?’

Her voice faltered and Leveret had to make a quick decision. Argue and insist she wouldn’t go, which was what she wanted but would hurt her mother dreadfully, or agree to go and make her mother happy, but practically die of embarrassment in the process. Given the recent events, there was little choice. She stood up and unfolded the dress to get a proper look.

‘Mother it’s beautiful – I love it! Thank you for all the love and time you’ve put into it for me. Especially when I know you’ve been upset with me.’

She kissed her mother soundly and then looked again at the dress. It was beautiful indeed; tight long sleeves with points that would fall over her hands like a Tudor gown, a sweetheart neckline that wasn’t too exposed but would show her slim neck, and tailored so it would cling to her body, making the most of her slenderness. The skirt was slightly flared and when she held it against herself, came to just below the knee. It was lovely and would flatter her well. But she hated dresses and she knew just how she’d feel in it – like a sparrow in kingfisher’s plumage, out of place and ridiculous.

‘That’s not all!’ said Maizie excitedly, delighted that Leveret was pleased with it. She’d been worried that she was wasting her time for nothing, that the girl would flatly refuse to wear it or go to the party. ‘Look, these are to go with it.’

From the bottom of the dresser she produced a box from the Outside World. Inside were a pair of delicate ballet pumps made of dark green suede, a perfect match for the dress.

‘Wow! How on earth did you get these, Mother?’

‘I didn’t – they’re from Yul and Sylvie.’


‘When I told them I were making you the dress, Sylvie said she’d get shoes to match. She found them on the Internet for you – I hope they fit.’

Leveret couldn’t believe it.

‘I’m amazed Yul still wanted me to have them,’ she said. ‘He’s so angry with me.’

‘Yes … he’d wanted to burn the lot after the mistletoe misadventure. Thank the goddess I said no – I couldn’t bear to destroy such lovely things, though I never thought I’d give ’em to you, especially when you were to be kept in your room at the Hall over Yule. But let’s not dwell on that. You’ll look beautiful tomorrow night and I’ll be the proudest mother in Stonewylde!’

Leveret regarded her steadily and swallowed.

‘Mother, it’s the Dark Moon tomorrow night and I’d planned on celebrating it. This is something I really must do – it’s very important to me.’

Maizie frowned, remembering their new compromise and not wanting to break it so soon.

‘Right enough – where did you want to go?’

Leveret thought about this. She wanted to do it in Mother Heggy’s cottage but that was impossible. She couldn’t tell her mother how she used the place and she couldn’t sneak up there either – that would break their new trust.

‘I don’t mind. Tucked away in a corner on the Village Green maybe?’

‘Alright … does it matter when you do it?’

‘Not really. After nightfall, but not so early that there are too many people about to see me – and before midnight, of course.’

‘That’s fine. Go to the party first and then later on you can slip out to the Green and dance or whatever ‘tis you have to do. You’ll be safe on the Green with the Barn so close by. Is that fair enough?’

‘Yes, Mother, thank you. It’s so good not lying to you.’ She gave Maizie a hug. ‘But there’s one more thing.’

‘What?’ asked Maizie warily, thinking she’d now push it too far and make an unreasonable demand. ‘What do you want now?’

‘I’m really, really scared of going into the dance with all the Outsiders there and that strange music. Would you come in with me for a while at least? Please?’

On the morning of the Dark Moon Leveret rose early and Copyright 2016 - 2024