Shadows at Stonewylde - By Kit Berry Page 0,109

win Rosie over in time.’

‘I’m sure you will,’ Clip smiled, relieved at her change of heart. ‘And I hear you’re going home tomorrow? Maizie’s keen to have you back now?’

Leveret nodded happily.

‘We’re really going to start again. She knows I must gather what I need sometimes, and in return I’ll always tell her what I’m doing rather than sneak off.’

‘That’s good. I don’t expect you wanted to deceive her to begin with, did you?’

‘No, it made me feel very guilty. It’s just I felt this … this compulsion to go ahead. I wanted to start practising magic, you see.’

‘And you still want to be a Wise Woman one day?’

‘I do, definitely, but I’m not making a fuss about it now. There’s ages till I have to leave school and I’m hoping by then Mother will come round to my way of thinking.’

He looked at her carefully, noting how the sparkle had come back into her green eyes. She was an extraordinarily beautiful girl, while being strange and different, and he felt a real affinity with her.

‘I’d like to help you, Leveret, if you’re agreeable. I’m not that wise myself but I have a lot of knowledge. I can guide you when you start journeying and give you books to read to help you on your path. I’ve collected a great deal over the years. It may not be the sort of knowledge Mother Heggy had and you will need herbalist knowledge like hers too, but you live in a different time and you need to know things she didn’t. Would you like me to help?’

‘Oh yes please! I need a guide, a mentor. I’m always groping about in the dark and I never know if I’m on the right track.’

‘Well I’m pleased you were wrong about the mushrooms at least. Someone was looking out for you last night, I’m sure.’

As he left Clip patted her arm affectionately.

‘One more thing, Leveret – don’t mention this to Yul, will you? I’m sure he wouldn’t approve of any guidance I might give you. I don’t think Yul likes me much.’

‘I’d never tell anything to Yul. I don’t like him much, to be honest. He’s not the person he used to be.’

The next day Marigold came to visit bringing a great tray of Yuletide treats. She hugged Leveret and gave her a thorough telling off for being so silly, then she went to Magpie’s bed and sat there stroking his hand.

‘This poor boy! You look so different now, Magpie. You’re all clean and scrubbed, aren’t you?’

He beamed at her, pulling her hand onto his head to feel his soft, shiny hair.

‘He’s very proud of himself,’ said Leveret fondly. ‘I think with a bit of encouragement he’ll learn to enjoy baths. Have you heard he’s going to be moved up to the Hall, away from those evil women?’

‘About time too! I always said they was evil, didn’t I? Wicked and cruel, and Goddess knows what they done to him over the years, the poor boy. I always said—’

‘I’m a bit worried about how he’ll cope with boarding here, though. You know how everyone teases him and I want to keep him well away from Jay. Jay’s the one who broke his ribs and beat him up.’

‘Aye – less said about him the better, I’m ashamed to say. But Leveret, I been thinking about this carefully,’ said Marigold slowly, scanning Magpie’s guileless face and still stroking his hand. ‘I’m going to ask Yul if Magpie can come and live with me in my cottage. I’ve an empty room and Cherry can help me look after him. I reckon he needs a bit of mothering, poor mite. What do you think?’

Leveret was practically speechless with joy at this suggestion. Cherry and Marigold, their families long grown up and in their own homes, lived together in one of the small cottages that tucked into the Hall near the large kitchen courtyard. The homes were for people who worked full time in the Hall and it would be an ideal solution for Magpie. The two women would really care for him in the maternal way he needed and she needn’t worry about his welfare any more.

‘And just think,’ said Marigold as she left. ‘Wouldn’t those three hags just hate my having him? Sweet revenge for their taking Jay away from me all them years ago!’

The one visit Leveret was dreading was Yul’s, for she knew how angry he must be with her. She confided in her mother, who promised Copyright 2016 - 2024