From the Shadows (Buckhorn, Montana #2) - B.J. Daniels Page 0,23

one of these people was probably a killer made her shudder. “I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

Finn nodded. “I have some idea. I just don’t want anything to happen to you. That’s why I want to buy the place. All you have to do is pack up your grandmother’s things. I’ll take care of everything else.”

“You think you know me because of my grandmother’s journals, but I’m not that girl anymore.”

“I’ve noticed.” He smiled at that, making her remember the way he’d looked at her earlier when he was half-naked. “I wouldn’t mind getting the chance to know the woman you are now. But, unfortunately, I don’t think this is the right time. I thought you’d sent the invitations and knew what you were getting into. When I realized you hadn’t—”

“Hey, you two!” Jason called directly behind Finn. Neither of them had heard him approach. She saw the way Jason was studying the two of them, too inquisitive, too amused, given the smirk on his face. Clearly, he thought something was going on between them.

Casey took a step back, surprised at how close she and Finn had been just a moment before—and not just physically. They’d been looking into each other’s eyes. She’d felt something that scared her. He was a stranger she wasn’t even sure she could trust. But she could understand why Jason thought he’d seen something...intimate between them.

“We’ve got a fire going at the old firepit,” Jason said. “The beers are on me. Come join us. We’re going to be talking old times, and it wouldn’t be the same without you, Casey.”

She could feel Finn’s sharp gaze on her. He’d been watching her and Jason earlier. No way had he missed the look Jason gave her or how uncomfortable it made her.

“If what we have to say about Megan doesn’t make her ghost appear, then I don’t know what will.” Jason laughed. “You won’t want to miss this,” he said, grinning at Finn as if they, too, shared a secret. She realized they had both been in love with Megan, probably still were.

Jason turned and headed back down the stairs. She and Finn hadn’t moved. Neither of them spoke until they heard him on the lower level.

“I wouldn’t go down to the campfire if I were you,” Casey said. “The things that will be said about Megan...well, they might hurt your feelings.”

Finn laughed. “I said I was naive at seventeen. I wasn’t stupid. I know she had trouble getting along with people.”

“That’s putting it mildly. But fine—suit yourself.”

“I’ll make the call to my bank in the morning,” Finn said. “Sleep on it. You might change your mind about selling.”

That wasn’t happening. But she nodded, not sure she believed any of this.

“I’m going down to the fire, but I can understand if you don’t want to.”

Her head hurt. She yearned for the oblivion of sleep—as if that would make any of this go away. She thought of the promise she’d made her grandmother—the one she’d had no intention of ever keeping.

“You really think you can solve the murder?” She looked into his eyes and felt the full impact of them. “Why?” she asked, surprised at the emotion she felt. Jealousy? That a man could care that much this long about another woman? “You said yourself that you knew the two of you would have never lasted.”

Finn smiled, almost sadly. “I don’t know if you’re aware of this or not, but your grandmother always blamed herself for Megan’s murder. Maybe knowing the truth will give you both some peace.”

She felt tears burn her eyes. Wasn’t that exactly what her grandmother had wanted for her? For both of them? After ten years, she’d given up hope that Megan’s killer would ever be found. Her grandmother had known that the murder had been like a dark cloud hanging over her and always would as long as it went unsolved.

“If Jason brought enough beer, I just might get some answers tonight,” Finn said.

Casey thought about telling him not to believe anything Jason said but saved her breath. She watched him turn back to his room and told herself that she wasn’t afraid to go down to the campfire. That she wasn’t afraid to relive that summer and Megan’s murder. That she hadn’t been afraid all these years that the truth would come out.

She nearly laughed out loud. Who was she kidding? She was terrified to even look too closely at the memories. Now someone wanted to dig it all Copyright 2016 - 2024