Shadowlands Sector,Three - Mila Young Page 0,86

I can surprise you?”

Both men look at me with a suddenly overzealous expression, the answer painted all over their horny faces. I shake my head at how transparent they are, but then again, we haven’t had sex for a week.

The door suddenly opens, and my gaze jerks upward.

Dušan strolls inside, and I glance behind him, half-expecting Mariana, the pack doctor, to be with him. Except he’s alone, and my breath jams in my throat.

Does he have bad news and wants to deliver it to me on his own?

Bardhyl’s grip around me tightens, like he senses my unease. But I push myself out of his arms and stand to meet my Alpha, my soulmate, my everything.

He greets me with smiling blue eyes, his black hair sitting messily around his face like he’s just run through the wind.

“Come here, gorgeous.” He collects me into his arms.

I stare up at him, trembling. “Please don’t make me wait. Just tell me. What did my blood results say?”

He cups the sides of my face and kisses me with a hunger like he’s letting himself be rough with me once again. For the past week as we waited for the results, he insisted all three of them be careful around me just until we knew the details around my sickness. And, well, to have three gods drooling over me, it’s been torture. But cleaning up the mess caused by Mad distracted us most of the week.

I push myself closer and kiss him back harder, hoping this means he has good news.

When I break away, breathless, I stare at him desperately.

“The result showed that you still have leukemia.” His arms tighten around me.

A chill races down my spine and instantly, tears spring to my eyes. It’s stupid how just a few words send a shudder right through me.

Lucien and Bardhyl are off the couch and move to stand on either side of me, their hands on me.

“Don’t cry, beautiful,” Dušan assures me. “You’ve always been special, and it seems that because you transformed so late, your first shift couldn’t completely eradicate the disease. But it has made it dormant and inactive in your body.”

I’m still processing his words, trying to come to terms with the results.

“It’s why she’s still immune to the zombies,” Lucien adds, to which Dušan nods.

Bardhyl hugs me from behind, his whisper in my ears, “This is incredible.”

“Are you sure?” I ask Dušan, so used to always hearing bad news that I now struggle to believe that in a roundabout way, everything turned out so well.

“Beautiful Meira. You have nothing to worry about.” He grabs me and lifts me off my feet, and I’m suddenly laughing, my chest close to bursting with happiness. I don’t remember ever feeling this way. Where I don’t have to constantly worry about surviving. About someone wanting to kill me. About running away.

That’s no longer who I am.

“I still can’t believe how it’s all turned out,” I say as he lowers me to my feet. I’m surrounded by my three Alphas. “But I have one question.”

“Go on,” Dušan says.

“What happens if I have kids? Will they get sick too?” It’s crazy to think this, but the notion popped into my head.

No one responds at first, which has me blushing at the thought that I’ve somehow put them on the spot, talking about babies when we’ve only just found our freedom.

Dušan finally says, “Mariana told me it’s not a hereditary disease, but it can happen. Except seeing as yours is dormant, it’s very unlikely. And when the child transforms, which we will ensure they do, their wolf side will protect them as it has you.”

I blink at him, and it makes sense, though I still worry. I exhale loudly. “It’s so much to take in all at once. All these changes and what’s going on with me.”

“You don’t need to think about anything right now but settling into your new home, then helping us three rule the pack. Plus, we have our Northern Wolves promising to return for a visit, and I want everything set up to give them no excuse to think we’re weak in any way.”

My eyes widen, and already a plan is forming in my mind. “I have an idea.” I turn so I’m facing all three Alphas. “Let’s position zombies around the settlement. I can command them to stay there. Anyone who dares come near our compound will be terrified to come any closer.” I shrug. “I just think it’s a great cautionary measure.”

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