Shadowlands Sector,Three - Mila Young Page 0,58

never could have imagined.

Lucien and Bardhyl join us, both on either side of me, embracing me, ensuring they press themselves against me, especially their cocks, like dogs humping a leg. I want to laugh because they’re so much more similar than they’d both ever admit.

“I love you, angel legs,” Bardhyl murmurs.

“You are my everything, and I love the hell out of you,” Lucien adds.

Everything feels surreal and incredible at the same time. I’m falling harder and harder for my men, loving deeper than I ever thought possible. They care for me so much, and I never thought I’d be so lucky. But in no way has this union been easy. The shit we’ve gone through is crazy.

“We need to get going.” Dušan finally pulls back, as do the other two. I remain in the circle of my three men.

“Where to?” I ask. “We can’t leave Kinley and all the others in there under Mad’s leadership.”

“I want to destroy Mad.” Bardhyl growls.

“Then we go into the tunnels,” Lucien adds.

“My thoughts exactly,” Dušan admits. “We just need to lie low to catch our breaths and work out our plan to take back the settlement and Ash Wolves.”

I absolutely agree with him, yet a small part of me can’t help but feel scared. We barely escaped, barely survived, barely came back together. But as exhausted as I am, I’ve been frightened my whole life. Hiding. Running.

This time, I’m embracing the fear, the darkness ahead of us, and will walk as far away from the safety of light as I can to make things right. The final battle isn’t just about saving a pack… I am fighting to hold on to the one thing I’ve been missing since losing my mama.


Chapter 17


“We use the old tunnel room,” I suggest, to which Bardhyl scrunches his nose.

“That dump. I hate it there.”

I roll my eyes at him as we rush over the slope of the mountain to the blocked-up cave leading into the tunnels. Dušan and Meira rush ahead of us, hand in hand, whispering to each other. She’s missed him so much, worried for him. All I want is to wrap up Meira in silk and keep her safe from the world. It’s ridiculous and even she’ll fight me if I pulled such a stunt. But my wolf burns at the notion of us not keeping her protected.

I cut Bardhyl a stare as he hurries alongside me, constantly looking over his shoulder for signs of pursuit. Then he meets my gaze. “We just stay low in the cave,” he says.

“It’s too open, and we can’t exactly have a fire, with smoke coming out of the cave.”

“I agree with Lucien,” Dušan throws over his shoulder. “We stay in the room.”

Bardhyl grumbles under his breath, glaring at me.

“What can I say? When I’m right, I’m right,” I gloat.

“I accept no responsibility if we all catch fleas,” he responds.

Meira looks back at us, her eyes wide. “Fleas?”

I shake my head at how dramatic the guy can be. “There are no fleas.” I scowl at Bardhyl. “Why are you making up shit?”

He eyes me. “So the family of raccoons who moved in while we used the room during our tunnel building doesn’t count?”

I want to laugh out loud at him, but I keep my voice low and whisper, “Big bad wolf is afraid of raccoons.”

“Fuck you, Lucien. I woke up with one chewing on my ear.”

Dušan pauses at the entrance where two boulders cover the entrance into the tunnel. This place is our saving grace. No one knows about it aside from us four and Kinley. Dušan was right to have kept this little project from his brother and it’s serving us well.

Without a word, the three of us head to the barrier, while Meira steps aside, studying us. Hands pressed up against the side of one stone, the three of us make quick work to slide it over the stone ground until a gap appears into the tunnel. It’s big enough if we slide in sideways.

Bardhyl goes in first, shuffling, and gets jammed halfway, catching around his chest. That time, I can’t help but laugh, but I drive my hands into his sides, shoving him through. “Your fat ass won’t fit.” I groan.

He pops out on the other side and stumbles. “Hell, that was a tight squeeze.”

Meira is giggling to herself as she easily steps inside. Dušan is next, then I follow.

We emerge in complete darkness, but the small room we made during our reconstruction of this tunnel Copyright 2016 - 2024