Shadowborn Queen - G. Bailey Page 0,5

all. "In the name of Selena, I vow to protect my family who are here for those who have died and those we have lost."

"And for our family, we will take the Light Fae Throne and rule. I am going to claim my birthright, and I will be seen as a Light Fae Queen. Next to my side, you four will rule with me. I'm choosing my family, my mates, and my throne."

"We choose you," Gold replies.

Luke, Scott and Axel repeat the sentence and tears fill my eyes.

"I love you four," I whisper just as Oz lands on our joined hands and falls to the ground as we all jump back.

"How did you escape, you lucky fucker?" Gold laughs, picking him up.

I reach out, stroking his fur as he snuggles into Gold's chest. Yup, I love to do that too. I don't blame you, Oz.

"Their kind imprints on their owners, linking themselves to their magic. I imagine he can pull himself through magic to wherever you are," Scott ponders. "Although I have not studied his kind in intense detail."

"Gotta show me how to travel like that, Oz," I whisper to him.

"We found an abandoned lighthouse up the beach. We should go there for the night," Luke suggests, smiling at me.

Gold places Oz in my arms and pats Scott's back. "Let's go and hunt something for dinner."

"I am not good at hunting," Scott warns him.

Gold’s laugh warms my heart, while Scott looks like he just realised the dragon is a little crazy. Cute crazy in my mind. "I will teach you. Come on."

I rest my head on Axel's shoulder as Luke leads the way to the lighthouse. I look back to see Scott and Gold deep in conversation and I wonder what they are talking about, but as my stomach rumbles, I wonder more what is for tea.

Wrapping the old blanket around my shoulders, I stare out at the beach below me; the waves crashing across the rocks making the only sound out here. I glance back into the lighthouse where the guys are sitting around a fire, above it hangs a pig of some kind they are cooking.

Scott is making something with vegetables and herbs he found, mixing it in a pot above the flames.

Axel is sleeping, needing more rest than he would admit even with my magic healing him. Luke went out to get more firewood not long ago, but even with him not here, it's so warming to have this moment of freedom.

We are all here because we want to be. We are free for the first time in so long. Tears fill my eyes as I think of my mum and father, how I had to lose them to find out the truth of my entire life, and I want to make them proud. I can't think of any other reason why my mum would have lied to me about who my father was my entire life unless it was to protect me until I could be an heir to the throne.

I wonder if Corvina wants the Light Fae Throne; she has as much of a claim to it as I do.

Something in the water below, like a bright light, catches my eye. Using my wings, I fly off the lighthouse and to the rocks below, right before the waves crash over them. In front of me is a small pool of still water and the shimmering image where the water should show my image is not my reflection at all, instead, I see Kaelah covered in a light blue glow.

"Princess Izora. You are free, as the goddesses said you would be. It's your time to fulfil your destiny and find the keys. Find the keys, Izora Dawn, or else everything is lost."

Her image fades as a wave crashes over the rocks, splashing the water, and something flashes into my mind. A battlefield soaked in blood, a girl that looks like me with ripped fae wings and a sword piercing through my heart.

I gasp, stumbling back as the image leaves my mind, the warning sticking, though.

"Izora, are you alright?" Luke asks from behind me. I turn around as he jogs over, an arm full of logs in his hands. He places them down on the rocks and pulls me into his arms at whatever he sees in my eyes.

"I'm okay. I just had a stark reminder of the future if we don't find the Titan keys and send the beasts back," I mutter to him.

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