Shadowborn Queen - G. Bailey Page 0,43

laugh as I run to the balcony and spin around as Axel lands right in front of me. He kisses me quickly, making me forget why I was mad at him to begin with.

"Yucky," Hendrik grumbles nearby and Axel pulls away as Hendrik comes to our side.

"So you don't want to kiss Olivia? The Light Fae girl you spend a lot of time with?" Axel asks Hendrik, who immediately goes red.

"No!" he protests and stomps off.

Axel laughs as he chases after him, and tickles him when he catches him in the lounge. The sound of their laughter warms my ears as my baby girl kicks away in my stomach. I look down at my five-month bump, wondering who the father will be this time.

"Is Izora here?" Luke asks in the distance. I cross the living room as Luke, Gold and Scott walk in and right up to me. Axel moves with them, whispering with Luke.

"What's wrong?" I question, seeing it in their expressions. I take Gold's hand in mine when a tear falls down his cheek.

"My sister is dead, as is her husband, and my niece is said to be crowned queen tomorrow," he tells me and I freeze in shock. Of all the things...I never expected to hear him tell me that. I wrap my arms around him as he breaks down, my strong dragon falling and my mates all stay close, making a little bubble.

"Who killed them?" I question into the silence.

Luke meets my eyes. "The advisor to the king and he is apparently marrying the new queen. It was all set up. I felt something wrong with that man on our trip."

"Darkness? I sensed it as well," I admit, biting my lip. "I wished I had told them."

"They knew," Gold tells me. "And now all we can do is pray to the goddesses for their souls."

"You could always ask Pitch's dad to drag them to hell or something," Scott jokes and we all laugh a little, a laugh tinged with sadness.

I cup Gold's cheek. "What do you need?"

"You, my brothers and Hendrik. Our family," he answers, and that is something he never needs to ask for.

"Always," I whisper, wrapping my arms around him and looking up at the sky, the burning light of the sun brightening a dark day for the forest. Even in darkness, there has to be light.

And my life now?

It belongs to the light.

Chapter 21

Excerpt from Shadowborn Academy (Dark Fae Academy Series: Book One)



My fate is in the dark,

And my shadow there is real…

The darkness likes to play in this world.

It also likes to deceive.

In the Enchanted Forest, secrets thrive and one girl desperately needs to find answers before it’s too late.

That girl is Corvina Charles, a powerful Shadowborn—a human who touched dark magic and became something else.

Something dangerous.

At the age of eighteen, Corvina and her best friend are swept away to the Shadowborn Academy, the one place where magic and darkness coincide.

It’s also where pupils go missing, teachers don’t play by any rules, the therapist is hot, and boys with dark magic love to seduce your soul.

With death becoming a game at the academy that not even the Dark or Light Fae seem capable of winning, Corvina’s love life should really be the last thing on her mind…especially when one of the boys just so happens to be her teacher!

Shadowborn Academy is a Dark Reverse Harem Paranormal Fae Romance for 18+. In this world, not even the shadows can be trusted…

Chapter 22

Bonus Read


Chapter One

The moonlight bleeding through the trees creates flickering shadows that dance around me. I should be afraid of them like all the other children are, but I’m not. These shadows are safe. They’re not like the ones watching me from the treetops, waiting to snatch me off the ground.

No, these shadows are different.

They’re my friends.

The faeries hiding in them follow me like they always do when I come into the Enchanted Forest. I can’t see them but I can hear them giggling and whispering in my ear. They flick my dark curly hair over my shoulders and play with the ribbons on my light blue dress, then the frills of my white socks with the little bunny rabbits on them. It’s their way of saying hello and it makes me giggle as I skip through the forest, humming to the song Mama always sings to me before I go to sleep.

Mama and Papa warned me not to follow these faeries. They said they’re not like the rest and Copyright 2016 - 2024