Shadowborn Queen - G. Bailey Page 0,41

one of my shoulders comfortingly. I don't think I could've done any of this without them. It was Gold who suggested we light a candle for the fallen. Now a sea of white and black candles will forever decorate the academy in memory of those who did not survive the war.

I look around, my heart heavy with grief, and tears fall from my lashes at the sight of all my friends and fellow magics grieving the loss of our loved ones. Corvina cries into Zander's chest while her mates comfort her. Sage stands beside her, cocooned in Professor Gale's arms.

My vision blurs as more tears gather and I no longer try to hold them back. But then something catches my attention and I wipe my face, unsure if what I'm seeing is real or not. Wisps dance from candle to candle as they make their way over to me. They surround my body as my guys release me and I step back, reaching out to touch one of the wisps. Three of them float around me before they hop toward the trees.

"When there's a wisp, you always follow it," Luke says with a grin.

I nod, my lips spreading into a smile. "I think I'm supposed to go alone."

From the tense look my guys share between each other, they clearly don't like the idea. But the wisps came to me, not them. Whatever they want to lead me to, it's for my eyes only. So I kiss each of my guys and hurry off after the wisps. Excitement bubbles in my chest as I follow them. I've got a feeling that wherever I'm headed is about to change my life forever.

For at least half an hour I follow the wisps. They lead me through the forest into a beautiful clearing bathed in streams of sunlight and surrounded by the most beautiful flowers. The rays of light gather together until they form a silhouette.

The figure slowly morphs into the shape of a woman dressed in a gown made of pure sunlight. Her long, auburn hair flows around her and a white sun glows vibrantly on her forehead. A wave of emotion surges into me and I drop to my knees before the Goddess Danica, completely overwhelmed by her presence.

"My child, stand with me," she says in a soft, melodic voice.

I rise to my feet, my heart soaring at the sight of her. The sculptures truly do her beauty no justice whatsoever. Her eyes are silver and they glow just like the rest of her. She holds out a hand and I take it, warmth instantly spreads through my body. Is this really happening? Is Danica real?

She chuckles. "Yes, I am real, child, but it is only in spirit that I visit you." With a wave of her hand, my torn, muddy jumpsuit changes into a silver dress covered in wolves. It's breathtaking. "Now you are ready to accept this." She holds out my father's gold crown. "The Throne of Helios belongs to you now, child. Do you promise to rule it justly and protect those within the forest?"

For a moment, words completely fail me. All I can do is stare at the crown as my emotions get the better of me. A solitary tear slides down my cheek and Danica reaches out, wiping it away with a blissfully warm hand.

"Do you promise this, Izora Dawn?" she repeats, now cupping my cheek.

"Yes, I promise," I say, lifting my chin. "I will protect the Enchanted Forest for the rest of my life."

Her hand falls away and I immediately miss her warmth. "Then kneel, child."

I get onto my knees again and hold my breath as she rests the crown on my head. "Now rise, Izora Dawn, Queen of the Light Fae. Long may your reign be and long may you live for this sunrise and the thousands after it."

She smiles and her light grows brighter, momentarily blinding me. A light breeze filters through the clearing, and Danica's soul leaves with it. My heart clenches, but it's no longer heavy with loss and grief--it's filled with pride and a sense of belonging I've searched for my entire life.

The wisps return and lead the way back. I walk through the forest with my head held high, no longer a princess but a crowned queen. My guys are waiting for me the moment I step out of the trees. Everyone turns to look, and one by one, they get down on their knees and bow to me. Corvina Copyright 2016 - 2024