Shadowborn Queen - G. Bailey Page 0,38

to her. But no, this can’t be true. If Eva died then why is everyone still fighting?

I hiss,

I barely finish speaking when my wolf lunges for the creature, and the other wolf pounces to meet her in the air. They crash against each other, two powerful opponents consisting of snarls, gnashing teeth, and elongated claws that slice into each other.

"Izora!" I hear Scott’s frantic scream, but my wolf keeps fighting, desperate to kill the enemy wolf; we’ve waited enough time for it.

Eva's loyal wolf pierces its fangs into my shoulder and I let out a yelp. Twisting my canine body, I bury my fangs into its back and bite down until I feel the bones crunching between my jaws. The wolf is injured but not dead, snarling as it attempts to pin me to the ground. I overpower it finally.

My wolf stands over the other, growling and snapping my teeth.

the wolf growls at me.

I snap, and then I go in for the kill. In one fluid move, I rip the wolf’s throat out and spit it on the ground like it’s nothing. Blood stains my mouth and neck. I let loose a victorious howl.

A black-winged chariot swoops down overhead, drawing my attention. Sniffing the air for my mates, and sensing that one of them is injured, I run off.

Queen Narah unleashes a torrent of black magic that cuts through dozens of Light Fae until their bodies collapse to the ground.

Pain crashes into me like a tidal wave and my wolf howls before shifting back. My boots slam into the earth and I instantly take to the sky after Narah’s chariot, screaming for her to stop. But she doesn’t and more of my people die. With all this death and destruction, maybe I'm crazy in thinking that I could save lives. Maybe there is no sunlight within this battlefield, only darkness. And yet I cling on to that sliver of hope. Even if I only save one life, it's still worth fighting for.

Ignoring the blood trickling down my shoulder, I clench my bow and spin around in the air, looking for the centre of the field. Two of the Titans are close by, the others are at opposite sides, all four of them tearing through the fae and dragons mercilessly.

I aim another arrow, but this time I imbue the head with shadow magic. The blue flames shoot through the sky when I release the arrow, landing in the earth and exploding in a circle. I fly down, ready to use the area so I can do the spell. But a glowing handcuff latches around my wrist and pulls me back. I scream as my body is launched into the side of the cliff, knocking the air from my body before I suddenly start falling.

And then I'm flying.

I hold on to Gold's dragon as he soars over the chaos. At the sight of Gold's dragon, the Titans stop what they're doing and charge across the field toward us. I stand up on Gold's neck, and when he flies over the ring of fire, I jump, landing in the middle of the circle, my wings fluttering again.

Another gold dragon swoops overhead, almost the same length as Gold. They stop in the air to look at each other, but then a Titan grabs the smaller dragon's tail and throws him aside.

Gold roars and then he flies down, shifting back into his male form.

"THAT'S! MY FUCKING SON!" He screams as dark blue magic blasts off him in waves. It's the first time I've ever seen Gold use magic like this, and it's utterly mesmerizing. And terrifying. "Izora, open the portal. I'll take care of these fuckers!"

I'm snapped out of my stupor and I nod, flying just above the circle. Untangling all four keys from my neck, I hold them out and whisper the spell. The second the words leave my mouth, all Titans stop fighting and look at me. The ground trembles and cracks, followed by a blinding white light, and a portal appears behind me.

A thread of silk, glowing like the sun itself, slithers out and lassos one of the Titans. The other three are captured by the same magical string, Copyright 2016 - 2024