Shadowborn Queen - G. Bailey Page 0,35

the wood twice and I look around us as the guys keep an eye out. I don't sense anyone near, but who knows what is going on in the city now. The door swings open and a stunning Light Fae in a small nightgown stares at us, her eyes flickering between me and Gold.

"We need a safe haven," Gold tells her. She nods, stepping back immediately and we all rush inside the small cottage living room. Two sofas take up most of the space around a lit fireplace and a small cat sits on a cushion in front of the fire.

"You are someone they want," the woman tells me, crossing her arms. "And Gold, when do they never want you?"

He grins at her and a burning jealously flickers inside my chest, even when I am thankful for her help. "Everyone, this is one of the many spies for the Dragons. Nikaia was my nanny, of sorts. I owe her."

"I was lucky to be gifted by bringing you up. Now tell me everything as I make us drinks," she demands, placing her tiny hands on her hips. "And do use magic to dry yourselves. You all look cold."

I chuckle as I do as I'm told, and use my magic to dry off Axel and Luke while I'm at it. My dragon is already dry, and he starts explaining our long, long story as we sit on the couch. We each have at least two empty cups in front of us by the time Gold is finished.

"Princess Izora, what an honour it is to have you in my company," Nikaia comments, bowing her head to me. "And dawn is rising slowly in the east. At Dawn, all alive fae are allowed to wander the city for essentials. I will take you, alone, to the place you seek."

"That is too much of a risk. We must be with her," Luke commands and I place my hand on his.

"No, Nikaia is right. Two female Light Fae will not be looked at twice," I tell him. "We can fit into the crowd and hide well."

"The war is brewing, everyone knows it is on its way. Let me do this one thing for the Light Fae," she asks us all. "I may be sided with the dragons, but I am a light Fae in blood. I do not wish to see the titans destroy what is left of the forest and this city."

"None of us want that," Scott agrees.

Nikaia claps her hands, standing up and grabbing her cloak. I have to admire Nikaia for the simple fact she has had a lot of information thrown her way and she has taken it in her stride, planning right away for her next move.

"Be safe. I will not be far," Gold promises, lifting my hand and kissing the back of it gently. Nikaia's eyes track the movement and a ghost of a smile fills her lips.

"I am so glad to see you with a mate. I almost thought it would never happen," Nikaia comments.

"It would never have happened with anyone but Izora Dawn," Gold smoothly comments.

Axel whistles and ends it with a laugh. "Has he always been a charming, possessive asshole?"

"Always," Nikaia agrees.

Axel kisses me on the cheek and Luke hugs me as I head to the door.

Scott tugs me to him when I get to the door, whispering in my ear. "Run if anything goes wrong."

I nod, squeezing his hand once before pulling my cloak up. I look once more back at my guys, knowing there is nothing I wouldn't do for them before Nikaia opens the door and we head out into the light. Nikaia is right, dawn is slowly breaking above the houses, the sun reflecting off the white stone and making the place so bright it hurts my eyes at first. Nikaia moves quickly down the street and I stick to her side, following her movements and keeping my head down. My feet brush across the white pebble footpath and I nearly stumble when I step in blood. I lift my head for the first time, sickness building in my throat at the sight of dozens of Light Fae and Darke Fae bodies piled up by the side of the river. Prisoners, changed Shadowborns just like me, drag bodies of fae down the street, carelessly throwing them on the pile before walking away.

"Don't look," Nikaia warns, grabbing my arm and forcing me away, even when I feel like I can't move. I have to Copyright 2016 - 2024