Shadowborn Queen - G. Bailey Page 0,30

last key before the city is destroyed," I say, looking back at my sister.

I place my hand on hers as we start walking back through the forest.

“I will never forget what you did, Willow. Mum and dad would be so proud.”

Chapter 15


Wrapping my arms around myself, I stare out into the trees as some creatures run past in a hurry. They kind of look like deer but their fur is black, and the tips of their ears are a vibrant yellow. They are one of many beautiful creatures in this forest that don't have a name, only a whisper of one bred by rumours.

"How is she today?" Axel asks, sneaking into the room, and I close the creaky window before turning to face him. I follow his gaze to Willow, who lies so still in the bed and tears form in the corners of my eyes. Why did she have to do that for me?

"I don't know," I admit, biting down on my lip. Axel walks in big strides over to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pressing me to his chest. It's funny how a simple embrace can make me feel so much better.

"I will watch her. Luke is going to take you into the forest for some fresh air," Axel tells me. "Gold and Scott are hunting for dinner. Go and rest. I got this."

"Thank you," I say around a sigh. I don't think I've rested since we got the last key, and I know I've hardly taken my eyes off Willow. If she will be on me.

The damn keys are slowly becoming more dangerous as we go on. I think we were lucky with the first one, and then it got worse. I kiss Axel softly before leaving the room, forcing myself not to stare at Willow any longer, wishing she would just wake up and tell me how terrible I look. In fact, anything sarcastic she might say would be music to my ears.

Avoiding some of the bigger gaps in the stairs, I make my way down to find Luke standing in the doorway, facing away from me. A squeaky floorboard gives me away and Luke turns, his frown turning up into a smile that makes me grin back at him.

"Hey," I whisper, taking his hand in mine. Luke closes the door behind us, silently leading me into the forest.

"I once got lost in the forest when I was about six," Luke randomly tells me. I stay silent, resting my head on his shoulder. "I don't remember why I went into the forest, but I remember chasing something. I was lost for three days and in those three days, I managed to build my own fire, make a tent from sticks and leaves. I also caught fish in the river."

"I couldn't do that now, let alone at six," I reply.

He grins. "When they found me, they invited me to be a Shadow Keeper and work my way up. Otherwise, I would have just been a cleaner or some shit in the kingdoms."

"Funny how this forest is full of darkness but somehow directs us on the path we need. I know I couldn't have found out the truth without this place," I reply. Luke suddenly comes to a halt, and swiftly tugs me down to the ground.

"What is-," I start but Luke places his finger on his lips and uses his other hand to point to his ears. I listen and that's when I hear it, a melodic ringing noise that can only belong to one creature. I can't help but feel giddy as I peek over the log we are hidden behind, and that's when I see them.

Foxes. But not any normal kind of fox, these are water foxes. Made of pure silver water, the foxes stretch to nearly the size of a horse. These creatures are so rare, mostly thought to be extinct in the forest, but there are fae who said they still see them.

I can hardly breathe as I run my eyes over the beautiful creature grazing on flowers right in front of us. The creature is alone as far as I can see and its long tail stretches into the sky. Water drops fall like crystals onto the forest ground below it, and the air almost seems damp with thick light magic like I've never seen.

This creature is pure light magic, pure and untouched by the darkness of the forest. And I somewhat envy it.

"I've never seen one, have Copyright 2016 - 2024