Shadowborn Queen - G. Bailey Page 0,3

Light Fae Kingdom needs to see what happens when they lock up a dragon."

Gold's dragon roars loud, and I grin. I jump in the air, hoping my wings will work this once and hold on to Gold's scales to climb up his neck. My wings help me and soon I'm on his back, nestled between two large scales. Gold turns around, his large tail smashing the glass doors just as four guards come running towards us.

The dragon jumps off the balcony and I hold in a scream as he falls down the side of the castle. The harsh wind makes it impossible for me to lift my head or even breathe until he suddenly stretches his wings out, catching the wind and bringing us higher. Gold swings around the castle, breathing fire as he goes at any guards or light fae in the way.

Everyone here supports Eva or Narah. They are not on our side or welcome in what will be my kingdom.

I'm going to defend the Light Fae Kingdom because it deserves to live.

To be ruled by light and not darkness.

I may be born from the dark and light, but I am choosing the light. I am choosing to accept who I am.

For my family, the ones I have left, and those who are gone, I will fight.

Gold swerves quickly to the left and then lands on the ground outside the castle.

Right in front of us is a wall of glass, and on the other side are rows of Light Fae and guards.

"Burn them," I instruct Gold. My mates are near and I will not let anyone get in our way.

I hold back a scream and duck my head as Gold's dragon lets out a wave of fire like a throng of flamethrowers, burning away the glass. The screams of the others mix with the sound of the guttural sounds of the flames. The heat warms my body as I climb off Gold and use my wings to land on the ground.

Gold stops his fire and I nod at him, hoping he understands to wait here. I run through the burnt bodies and melted glass, stopping when I see a sword on the floor that somehow survived. I grab it, flinching when it burns my hand a little and rush to the back of the room.

"Izora!" Luke shouts from my right. I run to the end of the room where Luke and Scott are banging against the bars. Axel is out cold on the floor and I eye the lock on the gate.

"Stand back!" I warn them. I close my eyes, tapping into my magic and pushing it through the sword. When I open my eyes, my body glitters with Light magic, the sword glowing white in my hand. I lift it high and bring it down on the lock, causing a blast that sends me flying backwards. I catch myself with my wings in the air and drop the sword. Lowering myself to the ground, I run back to the cage they are in.

Gold roars in the distance as Luke and Scott pick themselves up off the dusty floor.

"What's wrong with Axel?" I question, picking bits of rock off him.

Scott pushes the rest off and grabs Axel, picking him over his shoulder. "He was tortured by the Light Fae guards. He killed at least five before they got to him. I can heal him when we are away from here," Scott tells me.

"Okay," I whisper, my heart hurting at the thought of Axel fighting on his own and being hurt bad enough that he passed out. Luke grabs my hand and we rush through the bodies when I sense something. I look behind me to see dozens of guards running through the broken doors with large wolves at their sides.

"Everyone get on Gold's back. Now!" I scream, running faster towards our escape.

Gold turns around, flapping his wings harshly and taking off. The second we get outside, he grabs Scott and Axel with his claws.

"We have to fly!" Luke shouts at me. I beg my wings to work as Luke effortlessly takes off, and to my surprise, my wings work. It's hard to get to Gold, but eventually, we land on his back and he takes off fast into the forest.

"I love you," I breathlessly whisper to Luke, even though the wind most likely carried my words away like a secret.

He holds my hand tightly, and squeezes once as I stare up at the sky full of stars.How can Copyright 2016 - 2024