Shadowborn Queen - G. Bailey Page 0,26

heavy-looking backpack, resting it by the tree before crossing her arms. The guys all go inside the house and I walk over to Willow.

"Why are you here?" I ask her, wanting to get to the bottom of whatever reason she has for coming to find me. I want to tell her the truth about mum but not until I'm sure she is on my side. I want to believe she is, but Willow has always hated me and always wanted to see me fail. Right now, I can't have anyone who hates me so close, even if she is my step-sister.

Willow looks down, dropping her hands to her side. "I know mum is dead and so is my dad. He died in the Titan's attack. I found out and stayed at the academy, but that was attacked as well. I could have run away to the human world, left you and the Enchanted Forest behind but--"

"But what?" I question, stepping closer.

"Look, I never hated you...I was jealous of you. You always had mum's love and dad's respect. I never had that, no matter how much I tried," she admits, rubbing her arms. "I couldn't see past the jealousy to realise that family is all that matters. And you are my sister."

"And now?"

This time she lifts her head and drops her arms to her side. "Now I'm here to fight for you, for us. We deserve to live a good life, and the damn Royal Fae are not going to take that from us. I believe you have a throne to claim and I'm good at fighting. Let me stay and protect you."

"Willow...It won't be safe," I tell her, taking a few steps closer. "I can't promise you anything right about now. I mean, look at me. My clothes are torn to shreds, we are camping in an abandoned house and it looks like it might rain, so we will find out if the roof has holes in it. We are in deep shit."

"I'm diving in with you. So to speak," she shrugs. "My sister’s a light fae princess, how fucking cool is that?"

I laugh and step closer. I pull Willow into a hug that she actually returns and I feel her tears fall on my shoulder. "Mum and dad would be proud of us."

"Yes, I think so," she replies. "We will make them proud by fighting for each other."

We both smile as we let go and Willow looks over to the house behind me. "I've been walking for three days straight and haven't slept much. Too dangerous out here when you're on your own."

"Go and rest. We will watch over you and you can borrow my blanket. It's in the black bag by the fireplace," I tell her. She picks up her bag, reaching into the front pocket and pulling out a letter.

"These letters magically appeared in my hands a few weeks ago. I think mum put a spell on them so when she died they would appear to me. One letter was mine and told me everything. The other is for you," she offers me a light yellow envelope with my name written on the outside. Mum's handwriting is something I would recognise anywhere.

"Thank you, Willow," I whisper, taking the letter from her and curling my hands around it. Willow moves around me and pauses.

"By the way, you are a lucky bitch. I can't even get one guy to stick around and you have picked up four sexy and loyal ones."

I laugh as she walks away, chuckling to herself. I wait until she heads inside the house before sitting down with my back against the tree. I open the letter, unfolding the white paper and taking a deep breath before reading what lies inside.

My dear Izora,

I pray to Selena that you never will read this letter. That I have told you the truth and you are living a happy life, but in case everything has gone wrong, this letter must be my last words to you.

My sweet baby Izora, I lied to you. Your father was never my mate. My mate was a cruel man who slept with others and betrayed me at every chance he got. When he died in the war, I did not miss him, but I did use him to hide you from the world and the dangers you would face.

Your real father is King Ulric of the Light Fae Kingdom. I loved him from the second we met and our passion created you in Copyright 2016 - 2024