Shadowborn Academy_ Year One (Dark Fae Academy #1) - G. Bailey Page 0,77

to the Throne of Helios and Luna.”

I shoot my eyes open, using every last bit of strength I have to hold her powerful, dark gaze. “I did… you promised me… into a fae…”

Eva slowly shakes her head, her beautiful blonde hair glowing in the pale moonlight. “You failed because my sister is still alive. Corvina crossed the portal and now wakens in my father’s kingdom.”


“Oh, my love, begging is so unlike you.” She traces a fingernail over my barely beating heart, ever so gently. “But you have been good for the most part. Perhaps I shall turn you into a fae and you can the rest of eternity at my side.”

Before the last droplet of life drains from my body, Eva thrusts her hand into my chest and squeezes my heart. With an effortless pull, she yanks the organ out and presses it to her lips. My heart freezes and the veins turn black, but there’s still a distant thrum, still a bit of life inside. Even with my heart ripped out, I feel no pain. The enchantment of a fae’s touch takes all pain away until there is nothing but pleasure. This is why I love her.

This is why I need her.

Eva kisses my heart once more before placing it back into my gaping chest. “On the plus side, my love, you did give me something of great value.” Stepping aside, she reveals an unconscious Sage Millhouse hovering in the air behind us, entranced by a blanket of magical darkness. I may not have sent Corvina’s dead body back to Eva like she wanted, but when I stabbed Corvina, I was at least able to send her something. “As long as there are stars burning in the night sky, my sister will not be able to claim my throne.”

“T-throne?” I choke out, the fae blood poisoning the rest of me like a septic perfume.

I feel so…so alive.


Eva chuckles. “Did I not tell you? Corvina Charles is the oldest princess of the Light and Dark Fae. Well, until I freeze her heart and shatter it, that is. I hope she’s ready to play this little game of mine.”


Pre-order book two, Shadowborn Academy: Year Two, to find out what happens next.

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Excerpt from Consequence (Holly Oak Academy: Book One)

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About This Book:

I did something terrible.

It’s a nasty secret, one I never want the world to find out.

But now someone knows and they want me to get revenge for them.

Ethan Remington, Josh Dedican, Hunter Cross, Nathan Cross and Lucas Georgian are my targets, and they just so happen to rule the little town of Holly.

I have to end their rule at the local academy I’ve just moved into or else my secret is out.

That cannot happen.

I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my secret safe—even if that means taking down my unlucky victims one by one.

Don’t feel sorry for them.

They did bad things too, almost as terrible as me.

I’m going to be their worst nightmare imaginable.

And the best part?

They don’t get to wake up from it.

If I’m going to hell, they are coming down with me.

Welcome to Holly Oak Academy, where money talks more than education and the rich boys do very bad things. Now they’ve met their match—me—and I’m bringing them down no matter what it takes. I have to, or else I’m a goner.

18+ RH Bully Romance.

There is something so terribly addictive about lying. You know it’s bad, appalling really, but sometimes you can’t help the words that escape your lips.

Sometimes it even feels good to say them.

I should feel awful for the lie I just told, the lie that adds to the hundreds I’ve already told my parents.

To everyone.

But I don’t.

“I’ve told you, Mother, I didn’t know him very well,” I tell her, the words swiftly leaving my lips with little effort at all.

Maybe I spoke too soon, but that is the only way she could tell I am lying. My mother and father are judges for the courts. They can smell a lie before it’s even uttered. They brought me up to never lie to family because it always gets you trouble. They never told me what to do once you are already in trouble and have no other option because your family can never find out.

“I’m just concerned about his disappearance—”

“Mother, I’m fine,” I cut her off before she can say anything more; I can’t talk about this with her.

It’s another lie, of course, because I’m not fine, not one little bit, and I know Copyright 2016 - 2024