Shadowborn Academy_ Year One (Dark Fae Academy #1) - G. Bailey Page 0,62

have run away because that wasn’t like her. No, something is wrong. I wasn’t going to come to Shadowborn Academy before she disappeared. I was training to be a keeper. My sister called me every day for updates, and she really loved this place. Thrived here. I know she wouldn’t have willingly left.”

He starts to lead the way into one of the glittering tunnels.

I follow him closely, stating, “I’ve never heard of anyone bypassing Shadowborn Academy before. And I’m sorry your sister disappeared.”

“I did advanced courses under the supervision of a High Warden as I grew up. I’ve already passed everything here except the tryouts.”

My eyes widen. Now that’s impressive. I knew Jonah had some serious skills but to pass every test here at the academy as a kid? He must be crazy talented.

“That’s why you are so keen to pass them?” I question, rubbing my cold arms.

“Yeah, and because the last conversation I had with my sister was about the tryouts she was doing. She desperately wanted to win and I don’t know… Maybe I want to do it for her?” He shakes his head, chuckling. “She would kick my ass for trying to win them when she wanted to.”

“You’re actually a good guy underneath the layers of asshat you put on,” I say with a smile.

“We should get on with the spell,” he snaps, his eyes turning cold once more, and I sigh.

Nice Jonah lasted all of five minutes.

After choosing a beam of moonlight from one of the crystals, Jonah helps me set up the herbs and light a small fire. I don’t question how he knows what stuff we need now I know he is a smarty pants. I draw the symbol in the air and then pause, looking to Jonah who stands a good distance away.

“What is your sister’s name?” I ask, seeing a reflection of me in his eyes. The purple and silver dark magic glow around me and it really makes me feel like some kind of goddess.

His voice is gruff as he answers, “Jane Elisa Vincent.”

I nod and begin the spell:

“I call upon the spirits to help me find the lost.

Jane Elisa Vincent, come back to us.

The mortal world calls,

The mortal world pleads,

I pay a price, in pain and blood,

For her return.”

I hold my hand over the fire, waiting for the pain that never comes as the fire goes out. The second the spell leaves my lips, an echoing silence drifts through the cavern as the flames disappear and the magic just stops.

“There is no one there to answer or she doesn’t want to come back, Jonah. I’m sorry,” I whisper, though the cave echoes my voice anyway.

“Jane would want to come back so that means only one thing,” he muses, looking happy.

“Which is?”

“My sister is alive, and whoever has taken her is going to die.”

It’s been two months since I tried to summon Jane Vincent, and another three students have gone missing. Including the slug-boys, that makes eight in total since I came to this academy, and the wall had already been covered in them.

Why haven’t any of the missing students been found yet?

I stare up at the latest poster on the cafeteria wall. The blood drains from my face when I see who the unlucky victim is. She’s the girl I saw leaving Greyhorn’s office that day, all shaken and as white as a ghost. I wonder if the previous girl was her friend and she went out to look for her? I would’ve done the same if I found Sage’s poster on this wall.

With so many students going missing, I’m beginning to think Jonah could be right. Maybe Jane is alive and someone took her.

“Why isn’t the academy doing anything about this?” I say, more to myself than anything.

Zander wraps an arm around me, a protective thing he’s started doing these past few weeks; not that I’m complaining. “They are behind the scenes. Haven’t you noticed four more Shadow Wardens have been hanging around here?”

I nod. I had been surprised when I saw them hanging out in the common area. At first, I thought it was the guys I turned into slugs, but they weren’t juniors and they actually seemed like decent people. One of them even helped me when I dropped my bag on the floor and scattered all my books.

It’s just past dinner and everyone is leaving the cafeteria to hang out.

I don’t bother lowering my voice when I say to Zander, “If the tattoos on our necks Copyright 2016 - 2024