Shadowborn Academy_ Year One (Dark Fae Academy #1) - G. Bailey Page 0,60

then everything seems to pause as he drifts his eyes down me and back up. “Do you always answer the door wearing near to nothing?”

I glance down at my silk vest top, the material so thin you can see my nipples, and the tiny shorts that leave nothing to the imagination. Shit, I didn’t notice.

“You’ve seen me naked before, Jonah. Now, what do you want?”

“I need your necromancy magic, and don’t worry, I’ve got all the ingredients,” he says with a frown, gesturing to the backpack hanging off his shoulder. “Now put some clothes on and get out here.”

“Whatever. Give me five minutes,” I grumble, softly shutting the door in his face even though I want to slam it.

After pulling on some clothes, I glance at Sage as I slide my boots on. She’s completely passed out but I decide to leave a little note in case she wakes up and wonders where I’ve gone. I glance at the books piled next to her bed, every single one we’re both reading the heck out of to find out all we can about giants. I walk out of my room, joining Jonah, who walks by my side out of the corridor.

“Sage found some good books on giants. Turns out, there’s a world where giants live and sometimes portals open in the forest,” I tell him, trying to break the silence. I was actually super shocked to learn the fairytale Jack and the Beanstalk is based on real events in the Enchanted Forest.

Only Jack was fae…and the giants ate him.

“And we need to find a beanstalk. Yeah, I figured that out,” Jonah adds, sounding bored.

Thanks for letting your team know, dude.

“Right, well, we have also found five spells that are effective against giants for when we find them,” I say, leaving out that I have practised them all and found them easy.

“Actually, I’ve only found three spells, maybe you could share your list,” he suggests as we slip out from the academy, the cold air making my cheeks burn. I’ve never gone this way before. It feels like another secret passageway, one I make sure not to forget, as we cross the private courtyard.

“Yeah, that wouldn’t be an issue,” I reply and for a second I think we could be friends, but then he has to talk again.

“Considering I’m the only experienced one in our team, I need to know them in case we have to use them,” he states matter-of-factly.

Cocky shit.

“I’m surprised you know the meaning of the word team.”

He huffs, waving a dismissive hand. “I didn’t choose to have you three following me.”

“We only follow you because you keep running away, asshole,” I snap, pushing him on the shoulder.

“Oh, the nicknames…again,” Jonah groans. “Will you ever come up with a better comeback?”

“Right, whatever you need, forget it,” I say, stopping in my tracks and turning around.

I only get two steps before Jonah is grabbing my arms, spinning me around and holding me close all in one impossibly quick move. I hate that I’m not scared of him, and instead I like being held in his arms. I like how his hard body is warm and somehow fits perfectly against mine. I like that I can feel his heart beating so fast, like a bird pounding at its cage, and damn does he smell amazing. He just needs to threaten me or tell me he hates me or something before I lose my goddamn mind.

“I will tell the headmaster—”

Thank fuck. I try to push away, but his iron-tight grip is like a vice around me. “Then do it. I don’t let people threaten and blackmail me. I chose to use Necromancy and I will pay the price for it if you want me to.”

“You’d really risk it,” he enquires, raising an eyebrow, “knowing they will kick you out? And then what are you going to do?”

“I’d at least have my morals. I can figure the rest out,” I answer, and to my surprise, he laughs. A throaty, deep laugh that does things to my body I’m not proud of.

Shh, this guy is not sexy.

He’s the devil in disguise.

“Vina, I need your help, please?” he asks in barely a whisper.

I’m so surprised by his politeness and desperation that I can only nod.

He lets me go, running his hands through his hair as he walks away. I quickly catch up with him and we reach a door that I assume goes to one of the many towers of this academy. I’ve definitely never Copyright 2016 - 2024