Shadowborn Academy_ Year One (Dark Fae Academy #1) - G. Bailey Page 0,43

at him as she cleans the library restricted bookshelves we’ve been dusting off all morning, and me trying not to sneeze to death.

Turns out we’re the only ones in detention in the first weekend.

Go figures.

“It’s too early to be drunk, but that’s not stopping the asshole over there,” Sage grouses, not bothering to lower her voice.

Professor Gale grunts and drags his feet onto the only little desk this far back in the library. “It’s too early for your guilt trip, Sage. Now both of you get back to work.”

“Why don’t you get back to work?” Sage growls right back at him.

Oh, boy. Back to the tension-filled room we go.

“I am working,” he comments, leaning back in his seat with a big smirk. He lifts his flask to his mouth again and takes a long sip, his eyes pinned on Sage.

What does this teacher even teach? So far, all I’ve seen him do is drink and follow Greyhorn around like a lost puppy.

Sage swings around, turning her back on him as we carry on with the rest of the job at hand.

We’ve been dusting and cleaning these neglected shelves all day.

When I glance at the clock and see it’s time for us to leave, I give a deep, heavy sigh of relief. My nose can’t take any more dust today.

“Finally,” Sage groans, standing up and stretching.

I do the same, yawning as I look over all the pretty shelves. All the sneezing was worth it. The bookshelves look beautiful now.

Professor Gale scoffs under his breath. “Not so fast. Corvina, you can leave. Sage, we have mushrooms to find. They only appear on full moons such as tonight.”

Sage’s anger works through her body in waves, turning into magic at her fingertips. “But—-”

“I have food for us to eat on the way. I’m not that heartless,” he replies and I kick Sage gently before she says anything stupid.

“Please, please be nice,” I warn her in a low whisper. “I know you hate him, but we need to keep our heads down at this academy, and you killing our teacher won’t make that happen.”

“It would make me feel better, though,” she huffs, following Professor Gale out of the room.

I just pray he doesn’t piss Sage off too much. And if does, then good luck to him.

I grab my bag off the floor and leave, heading right back to my room. I’m exhausted, uncaffeinated, and grumpy. Not to be trifled with until I’ve napped for the rest of the day.

As I step around the side of the outside of the academy, a man appears from the shadows.

“My lady. Funny to see you here,” Zander teases with a grin.

“Are you shadow stalking me now, Zander?” I probe coldly, though it’s impossible to resist his contagious grin.

“Would you like it if I did? At any rate, I wondered if you wanted to see Echo. I swear it’s not a ploy to get you alone in my apartment or anything but I do have snacks as well…”

In spite of my exhaustion, he sold me on the fact that I could fill my empty stomach without going to the cafeteria.

“Snacks and a cute animal? Count me in,” I chuckle and he grins, holding out his hand. “What’s that for? I don’t do hand-holding.”

“I’m not walking a million steps to the top of the academy where my apartment is. We can travel there but you need to hold my hand,” he explains, and I really do think about climbing the stairs for a long second, but my laziness wins out over my common sense. I slide my hand into his, noticing for one how big his hands are and two how warm he is. It’s like he’s a hot water bottle and I want to snuggle up…

No, I don’t.

Well, yes I do.


A helluva lot.

Zander tugs me closer to him, his lips brushing my cheek, and then the shadows are folding around us, enveloping our bodies within their inky blackness. Surprisingly, it’s like he’s a light in the darkness, never once feeling as though I’m alone. I can feel his hand squeezing my own, hear his heart beating in my ear like a strange lullay. And then we’re standing in the middle of an open-planned apartment.

“Holy shit! This is your place?”

I turn around in a circle, taking in his massive room. My gaze lands on the amazing view of the forest and I gasp. Glass panels decorate the main feature wall, showing us above the forest. It looks like you could just Copyright 2016 - 2024